View Full Version : Finally Made It To Westcoast

Mike AI
12-24-2002, 05:31 AM
Finally made it out to Sacrimento... what a long flight. I do no recomend traveling during the holidays.

Driving up to Tahoe to spend Christmas in the mountains, and hopefully re-learning how to ski... hopefully I do not come back with any broken bones.

Sat. scored tickets for the Radiers - Cheifs game - thanks to Evan from Xpays.... should be fun to watch a WINNING football team!!!

Billy thanks for rescueing my dog while I was gone...

Time to hit the bed, been going for 22 hours almost.... :headwall:

Almighty Colin
12-24-2002, 06:05 AM
Is there any offense out there?

Happy Holidays/Merry Xmas/Happy New Year to you and Katie :-)

12-24-2002, 08:52 AM
Dear MikeAI and Katie:

I'm glad to hear you made it safely....have a wonderful time, and yes...no broken bones would be good!

12-24-2002, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by LadyLaw@Dec 24 2002, 09:00 AM
Dear MikeAI and Katie:

I'm glad to hear you made it safely....have a wonderful time, and yes...no broken bones would be good!
yeah, I don't think the headline
"MikeAI made his bones in Lake Tahoe" be appropriate

Mike, gimme a buzz when you have a chance

12-24-2002, 10:49 AM
When did you an evan kiss and make up?

Last I recall you were lambasting him for being a wigger on chronic.

12-24-2002, 12:35 PM
Much as I hate snow, the Sierras in the winter are worth seeing. If you get the chance and the roads are open, go see Yosemite.

Mike AI
12-24-2002, 01:42 PM
Hoop, Evan and I made peace a long time ago, a few months before summer. We talked on the phone a little, then when I was on the month long tour of Cali - I stopped in San Fran for a few days and had a sit down with him and his partner Mike. It was a good meeting, lots of things were explained, apologies made. I posted about it back then....

Colin - I have given up on Saints this year.... The agony they have caused me is more then I should allow... I inherited from my father, I am going to try to break it.

LL - thanks for the kind words.... I know you will have a great Christmas too with Elmer, err I mean Serge!

Jerry - I am looking forwad to going to Tahoe.... it is a beautiful place, and i will be my first white christmas ever!!!

12-24-2002, 01:56 PM
My God, only you could spell Raiders AND Chiefs wrong in one post ;)

Happy holidays, tell Katie hi for me --

Mike AI
12-24-2002, 02:12 PM
HAHAHA I am on a computer that weighs like 2.1 lbs, the Sony Piucturebook - the keyboard is TINY and I have big fingers!!

So :nyanya: they were typos!!

I hope all Opranauts have a great Christmas, and find NO coal in their stockings, but rather wonderful gifts from Santa.

Seriously though, I hope everyone who is spendin time with their Familes and friends for the holidays understand that this is the most important gift in life.

No matter how much succcess a person has, without real friends, and family life is not worht much. So I hope everyone cam experience the real joys of life!!

I think I am having an Oprah moment here.... Shok help me out!!

12-24-2002, 04:57 PM
HoHoHo !!

Merry Christmas !!

See you soon !!