View Full Version : Hard Profits - Needs Input B4 Lauch At Internext

12-17-2002, 07:15 AM
Hello All

2 Years of my life have gone into building this new sponsor program, which will be officially launched at InterNEXT on January 6th, 2003

Please take the time to review our join page system, which uses our own billing system called MultiBill

A non-working preview of what will be released can be seen at http://www.HardProfits.com/

So cmon, kick me in the ass and show me all the mistakes.

Tell me what you hate and what you like (I really need both)

I now only have a few days left to make any changes, but hell, I need the challenge

Thanks in advance

Daniel Hicks
ICQ: 92462894

daniel at hardprofits.com

Almighty Colin
12-17-2002, 07:57 AM
I really like your tours and the webmaster program page looks sweet. Your payouts look top notch too.

"Sensible" questions: What is your background? How does anyone know they will get paid? What's behind your company?

12-17-2002, 08:37 AM

My background is about two years of running my own sites, many of which can be seen at Evilpit.com

I used to be a partner with a major player in this industry, but I prefer to rest on my own laurels than try to big note myself on someone elses successes. That is how I was introduced to this industry, and I have an eternal debt of gratitude to my ex-partner for that.

I am based in Brisbane Australia, and I am sure people like KK (ex CCBill) and Hank (Mr. Skin) are people who will give you the low down on myself if your require. I am sure they will both tell you the sort of person I am, and that I have never ever backed out of a deal.

In the Editorial by Joe E in the Klixxx Magazine (November 2002 edition), Joe gives a little insight himself about me and my thoughts etc.

The bottom line is this. Have a look at HardProfits.com and MultiBill.com, and you will see I have invested a significant amount of time and effort to build these programs, and I know from personal experience (being the shaftee that is) that if you shaft even one webmaster, everyone knows about it in a millisecond

Whats behind my company? - I have two small teams of staff (12 people in Brisbane, and 5 in Manila), and I am planning on opening an office in Nevada for my three (3) US corporations I had to open for my Visa compliance. I also plan on having two sales people operating from the Nevada office by 2nd Qtr 2003.

My MultiBill program has taken an enormous effort, and couldnt have been done without the dedicated help of the teams at CCBill, iBIll, 2000Charge, GoodThinxx and Alternate Billing (all of whom will also give me a very positive reference).

Again, thanks for the positive feedback - very kind ;-)


PS -

Almighty Colin
12-17-2002, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by HardProfits@Dec 17 2002, 08:45 AM
I am based in Brisbane Australia
Enough said! :-)

12-17-2002, 08:56 AM
Best of luck!

12-17-2002, 09:35 AM
very sweet design on the website.

tell us what MultiBill is, features, how it works etc

good luck :gbounce:

12-17-2002, 05:03 PM
Colin - I hope you dont hold anything against me as an Australian?

Serge - Short and Sweet, and thank you

Mutt - MultiBill is a system we ahev abeen developing to eventually release as a commercial product to the webmaster community.

1) Checks the performance of each of our processors for conversions
2) Checks from several points around the world to see if the processors join pages are functioning and able to handle a join transaction at the moment the surfer wishes to join
3) Offers the surfer several billing options instead of just one. (Ie My credit card works on CCBill all the time, but sometimes doesnt work on iBill - so our customers must experiece this pain as well)
4) Offers join pages (and soon to be customer support pages) in 5 languages (soon to be 9)
5) Detects what country the sufer is coming from, and offers the best billing solutions or that country
6) Routes via multiple master accounts, to reduce the potential problems associated with Visa compliance (and soon to be hit on us - MasterCard compliance and Verified by Visa)
7) Offers 3 currencies, with more to come
8) and tracks all sales data through one interface
9) and has one customer support interface to query all the IPSP's
10) and tracks affialites sales data
11) and includes two difference dialers built into one download, so we get the best rate for each country

Phew, that took some typing ;-)

We are also negotiating to with Euro companies right now to add SMS billing to our options list

I hope that goes someway to explaining what MultiBill is.

And thanks for your good luck wishes too

If anyone wants to discuss Adult Billing (my favorite subject), I will be attending both InterNEXT and AVN, so I will be in Vegas all week.

Shoot me an email with your contact details there (like a cell phone number), and I will give you a call when I arrive

Thanks all

daniel at hardprofits.com

ICQ: 92462894