View Full Version : Sexentertain Content! Did You Steal Or Not?

12-12-2002, 11:18 PM
http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...761#post1161761 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=1161761#post1161761)

Sexentertain is owned by MarksBookmarks and i presume the same company that operates MarksCash.com.

A small Flash game developer says Sexentertain bought his game, ya know just like anybody would buy a game to put in their paysite(s), except Sexentertain went and added two of his games to a game plugin they lease on their content site.

I know somebody from Sexentertain posts here, so what's the answer? Did you steal this guy's work or is it some kind of misunderstanding?

12-13-2002, 12:13 AM
Mutt, it amazes me how much credit you give these gfy webmasters ...

so this guy has emailed and given 24 hours for a response and that's it? he's been stolen from?!

yeah right.

the owner of the company is currently overseas ... he was summoned 2 weeks ago to be with his mother who is ill.

i'm looking forward to the other side of the story.

12-13-2002, 12:19 AM
it's possible it's a misunderstanding. but i don't assume because one company is large and one guy is a small games developer that the little guy is the liar.

GFY isn't all reprobates.

And i put it in the form of the question - i said 'or is it a misunderstanding?'.

12-13-2002, 12:39 AM
but i don't assume because one company is large and one guy is a small games developer that the little guy is the liar.

no, but you do assume the opposite!!

it doesn't matter whether you posed it as a question or a statement, the words are what people absorb, not the punctuation.

do you think its acceptable to question if someone is a thief (true or not) after a 24 hour time period was given for a response?!

>>GFY isn't all reprobates.

no, its not possible for the *entire* population to be reprobates ... but ... gfy webmasters are as irresponsible as luke ford in their presentation of information.

you have brought an ACCUSATION against a company here, based on 2 small vague paragraphs of information from a webmaster.

I know somebody from Sexentertain posts here, so what's the answer? Did you steal this guy's work or is it some kind of misunderstanding?

doesn't sound like a simple question to me.


12-13-2002, 01:37 AM
This may be a little OT, but I noticed just before thanksgiving that the sexentertain web site, had a lot of ' NEW for 2001!!' sales copy on their pages.

Since then they have had a redesign, but that doesn't seem like a encouraging sign of health. Are they dead? or maybe a change in leadership?

http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.p...&threadid=79350 (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=79350)


12-13-2002, 01:41 AM
well the little guy wants to piss, he's posted about his problem at GFY, sent emails, surely Marks isn't a one man operation, they haven't responded. should he wait two days? two weeks? a month?

what people take from a post i make is beyond my control. If they want to make assumptions one way or another about either party that's what they will do. I put my post in the form of a question - only the two parties involved have the answer, not me.

but i think stuff like this should come out, if the game guy is the liar or just stupid, he will be exposed, if Marks did something wrong they will be exposed.

I never said 'Marks is stealing games'. I know what your point is though, somebody could post 'Is Mutt Making Kiddy Porn Or Not?' and even if i am not my name is out there linked to kiddy porn .......... but i would hope that if there is no proof offered, intelligent people can make up their own minds.

12-13-2002, 02:06 AM
but i think stuff like this should come out, if the game guy is the liar or just stupid, he will be exposed, if Marks did something wrong they will be exposed.

you surely don't believe this ... the truth will always come out in the end?!!? LMAO

oh well, whatever.
hope it gets done back to you one day so you can see my point.

Mike AI
12-13-2002, 02:34 AM
CJ you make a good point, many times webmasters go off half-cocked. I know first hand I have done it in the past. One reason I alwas try to get all the facts before going public, so I do not stick my foot in my mouth.

Sometimes make an accusation can be harmful, and even after apologizing and backing down it still causes damage.... not only to the person who was the victem, but also the person acusing.

I guess time will show what the real deal is on the issue. Hopefully it was a misunderstanding.... or employee error. :D

12-13-2002, 09:50 AM
"it doesn't matter whether you posed it as a question or a statement, the words are what people absorb, not the punctuation."

bzzzzzt.... maybe that is how you read posts cj... but I took it as a question by mutt and not an accusation. It was a call for the other side of they story from the Marks Cash people.

Don't assume everybody reads posts like you do.

12-13-2002, 09:54 AM
webmasters go off half-cocked

Is that a penis reduction reference?

Diamond Jim
12-13-2002, 02:21 PM
http://bbs.gofuckyourself.net/showthread.p...&threadid=93642 (http://bbs.gofuckyourself.net/showthread.php?&threadid=93642)

Mike AI
12-13-2002, 02:30 PM
HAHA DJ another example of a NewB making an ass of himself....

from GFY:

Hello Fuckers, I have been in contact with the guys at sexentertain and we have cleared up the miscommunication. Apparently, payment for my game had been made awhile back, but it was never recieved because I had changed my paypal account info. They have verified payment with me.
I just just want to make clear for the record sexentertain has acted in good faith in trying to purchase the game from me and in no way has done anything with malicious intent- sorry to get everyone excited about nothing--but thanks for all of your help and suggestions. Oh- and also- you should get their games package because it has the greatest games (hehe)

12-14-2002, 01:34 AM
well he really is either a moron or the company did right by him when he went public. he never mentioned a word about them trying to buy the game for the plugin in any of his posts.

well now that it's worked out, i should delete this thread.

Serge? Mike?

Mike AI
12-14-2002, 01:42 AM
Nah no need to delete, its good to have a public record. It is all worked out!!


12-14-2002, 01:46 AM
Marketing Marketing Marketing all a Markeing ploy!

CJ, can I use that avatar on SexDoll.com? :agrin:

12-14-2002, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Monk@Dec 13 2002, 09:58 AM
bzzzzzt.... maybe that is how you read posts cj... but I took it as a question by mutt and not an accusation. It was a call for the other side of they story from the Marks Cash people.

Don't assume everybody reads posts like you do.
and you shouldn't assume the opposite.

you read it as a question, i read it as an accusation ... bet the division is equal.

well he really is either a moron or the company did right by him when he went public. he never mentioned a word about them trying to buy the game for the plugin in any of his posts.

mutt, i think its safe to assume that 'payment for my game had been made awhile back' would cover the payment for right to use it as a plugin.

CJ, can I use that avatar on SexDoll.com?

sure ;-)

Last edited by cj at Dec 14 2002, 02:24 AM

12-14-2002, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by cj@Dec 14 2002, 02:24 AM
CJ, can I use that avatar on SexDoll.com?

sure ;-)
Cool, you're up :-)
Sex Doll . Com (http://www.sexdoll.com)


Love my domains :grrr:

12-14-2002, 02:37 AM
Male Dolls
Big John Love Doll
Black Male Doll
Construction Man Male Doll
Jason the Male Lover Doll
John Holmes Doll
Mannequin Man Male Doll
Nasty Boy Erotic Doll
Party Pal Doll

julian isn't in your list!!!!!

12-14-2002, 02:48 AM
Originally posted by cj@Dec 14 2002, 02:45 AM
Male Dolls
Big John Love Doll
Black Male Doll
Construction Man Male Doll
Jason the Male Lover Doll
John Holmes Doll
Mannequin Man Male Doll
Nasty Boy Erotic Doll
Party Pal Doll

julian isn't in your list!!!!!

Webmistress s drunk on her ass but much appreciative, you bothre definately on the same wave lenght!


12-14-2002, 02:58 AM
Webmistress ... every woman should have one about the house

BoardWhore & Julian (http://www.carlajayne.com/galleries/adult/boardwhore/)

Julian's dick is famous ... (http://adult.redhotgreetings.com/select.php?cat=julian)
