View Full Version : Video Editing Help

12-12-2002, 10:28 AM
One of my designers is trying to find a program to do the following and is unable to find it, any help would be greatly appreciated. The problem is as follows:

He needs a program that will take a 10 minute .avi or .wmv clip and be able to break it down into smaller clips and save them in the same format without having to load the full video into a program, select the portion he wants and then have to wait to re-render it in the smaller part.

I know the description sounds a little confusing but the concept is simple.

12-12-2002, 10:58 AM
there are a bunch of tools that will do that.
go here http://www.vcdhelp.com

great site, they will have links to the tools u need.

12-12-2002, 04:06 PM
Great site Mutt,

from there, something I used a few times myself is a program called AviChop, VERY simple program. Pick the video, choose the file size you want and it hacks it up into pieces. Only does avi though but really couldn't be simpler to use.


-Dennis :bwave:

12-12-2002, 04:55 PM

12-12-2002, 08:17 PM
Try this program


I use it for our video production