View Full Version : Serge Is A Genius

12-11-2002, 09:35 PM
He really is. Don't you guys think?

12-11-2002, 09:45 PM
i think Serge is very smart, genius? Probably not.

he is a genius though at working a messageboard and yanking peoples' chains.

Serge once posted his IQ, not sure if he was serious or not, but it wasn't genius.

12-11-2002, 10:13 PM
gen·ius ( P ) Pronunciation Key (jnys)
n. pl. gen·ius·es

Extraordinary intellectual and creative power.

Using that definition I'd say yes

By IQ standards no, If I remember correctly Serge said he scored 138 in Russian and 112 in English on IQ tests

I think a better description would be brilliant and an artist, taking working chat boards and being a personality to an art form and showing brilliance in the ability to adapt to a situation and turn it to his advantage (like playing chess)

Also Serge is educated and cultured

I had the good fortune to spend a little time with Serge and LL a few months ago and in person Serge is very charming, witty, a good conservationist and can order an excellent red wine. Safe to say those who have spent time with Serge in person have enjoyed his company

Also Serge can be a person you really don't want to run afoul of if he is serious

and on occasion Serge can get obsessive (ask J. Barley) he he he

12-11-2002, 10:52 PM
I think he is a genius.

They say it takes one to know one :)

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Btw welcome , metaformx :)

Mike AI
12-12-2002, 02:54 AM
Yeah I think Serge is a genuis.

He understand human behavior very well. He also has a very unique perspective on the world - and is one of the funniest people I know.

12-12-2002, 03:06 AM
Serge is pretty damm smart.

big thing is he came to the usa many years ago, and truly lived and became the american dream!! :rokk:

12-12-2002, 03:33 AM

oh my god i'm going to puke!!!

you bunch of ass kissers!!!!!

serge is an opportunist ... he sees things clearer than most and takes advantage of opportunities at the right time.
serge is a networker ... knows the value of the right people and connecting them
serge is a teacher ... and he likes to have students, if you can keep up, you will learn something.

but most importantly

he would hate to hear you all talking about him like this and he threatened to hurt me if i ever told anyone he was a nice guy!!!!!

1% genius 99% asshole!!!


12-12-2002, 06:56 AM
you got it, babes!

Almighty Colin
12-12-2002, 08:43 AM
Depends on the definition you use. By mine, he definitely is.

12-12-2002, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Vick@Dec 11 2002, 10:21 PM
I had the good fortune to spend a little time with Serge and LL a few months ago and in person Serge is very charming, witty, a good conservationist and can order an excellent red wine. Safe to say those who have spent time with Serge in person have enjoyed his company.
I have too on several occassions, he's practically my neighbor down here in So. Fla. ... in fact I look forward to dinner with him every time. There's always stimulating conversation, good advice, great wine and always tons of laughs!!

But even in the midst of a good time, Serge won't hestitate to bust your balls if he thinks you are talking bullshit!!! and thats what you have to love and respect about him ;-))))

:rokk: :rokk:

Dianna Vesta
12-12-2002, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by MikeW@Dec 12 2002, 09:40 AM
[But even in the midst of a good time, Serge won't hestitate to bust your balls if he thinks you are talking bullshit!!! and thats what you have to love and respect about him ;-))))

:rokk: :rokk:
That I certainly agree with.

12-12-2002, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by cj@Dec 12 2002, 03:41 AM

oh my god i'm going to puke!!!

you bunch of ass kissers!!!!!

serge is an opportunist ... he sees things clearer than most and takes advantage of opportunities at the right time.
serge is a networker ... knows the value of the right people and connecting them
serge is a teacher ... and he likes to have students, if you can keep up, you will learn something.

but most importantly

he would hate to hear you all talking about him like this and he threatened to hurt me if i ever told anyone he was a nice guy!!!!!

1% genius 99% asshole!!!

Right On CJ

12-12-2002, 01:49 PM
Genius is such an arbitrary term. My ex-husband is classified as a genius, but has the common sense of a mosquito. He can do amazing amounts of complex problems in his head, scored 1590 on his SATs, had a full scholarship to GA Tech, is a member of Mensa, etc., but he's had his power turned off numerous times because he forgot to pay the bill, and with all his smarts, he's a bartender in AC. :(

Serge, OTOH, has an immense amount of common sense, but better yet - his mind is a steel trap. He forgets NOTHING and he's one of best observers of human behavior I've seen in a long time! :wnw:

Are there times when I want to throttle him for attacking someone when I don't think they deserve it? Sure! But I have to admire his tenacity, hehehe.

Plus he has good taste in women :okthumb:

Do I think he'd screw someone over that he didn't like? In a heartbeat! Do I think he'd screw over someone he considers a friend? Nope. Do I think the minute he stopped considering that person a friend he'd screw them over? Yep :awinky:

Serge is honest. One of my best friends is a total and complete spoiled bitch. But she will be the first person to TELL you she's a total and complete spoiled bitch - I have more respect for someone that's honest about their faults than someone that isn't.

Gee, Serge - this is like listening to your eulogies w/o having to actually die! :bjump:

12-12-2002, 01:54 PM
Gee, Serge - this is like listening to your eulogies w/o having to actually die!

I think I heard enough and...I am ready!!!!

one request though..
for the love of God,
PLEASE make sure my earthly remains are NOT driven thru Naples, Italy!

they'd be stolen for sure and sold on the black market!

12-12-2002, 02:42 PM
and on occasion Serge can get obsessive (ask J. Barley) he he he
************************************************** ******

I just got the letter from TV Lawyer
YES, I am not kidding! he has his own TV show!
who claims to represent J Barley...

there is a VERY good chance the whole country will be able to watch her if this guy can get us on..
Judge Judy Court!!!!!

I'll post the response here next week....

stay tuned to your TV listings and...Oprano!

and you calling me obsessive??????

I've been STALKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-12-2002, 02:55 PM
Serge - you on Judge Judy (the show that is) !!! That's too wild

Who's suing who for what, can you give the details? :groucho:

you do have a stalker ...... :ph34r:

Have to say I'd love to see you on TV

12-12-2002, 03:08 PM
Serge...on Judge Judy? That would be too funny!

I would LOVE to see that! :)

By all means, please share the details!

And as far as you being a genius, I'm not sure about that,
but I can think of a few other words that being with a G
and remind me of you...like Goat!

12-12-2002, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Dec 12 2002, 03:03 PM
Serge - you on Judge Judy (the show that is) !!! That's too wild

Who's suing who for what, can you give the details? :groucho:

you do have a stalker ...... :ph34r:

Have to say I'd love to see you on TV
I am sued for calling her a bitch, Iam suing her for:

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Leading to Juvenille Regression and Obsessive Disorders with French Fries (which is addictive like hell, more than herion, see law.com for details of separate lawsuit);

Resumption of Bed Wetting, Breast Feeding and Compulsive Thumb Sucking Disorder;

For all actual damages including but not limited to new sheets and mattress, exploratory surgery and colonoscopy; handcuffs to prevent thumbsucking and post-teatment dental care including braces and disgraces,

12-12-2002, 03:48 PM
Who is this Serge you are speaking of?
