View Full Version : Quality Vs Quanity

12-11-2002, 04:43 PM
With the current flood of content on the market we as content providers have to stand behind our work at cloud9content we do just that we provide great looking pics at a reasonable rate and we are willing to talk so check us out chad@cloud9content

12-14-2002, 04:51 PM
What is your URL?

12-30-2002, 01:47 PM
I think quality is becoming the absolutely most important thing in the content business.
Almost anyone can get a digital camera these days and take a picture or two of their wife's/husband's or girlfriend's/boyfriend's nether regions and try to make some cash off of it.

But fortunately for us content providers not everyone has the right professional lighting or a Nikon D1X or a Sony VX2000 DV Cam.
Or totally beautiful models to shoot.
And not everyone has the ability to shoot professional quality photos no matter how hard they try they just ain't got it!

So quality still remains the hardest thing to achieve.

That said bad video of a girl wearing pantyhose with a lesbo impaled on each finger, two fists in her pussy up to the elbows a baseball bat in her ass, sucking on a 14 inch black dong while smoking a blunt and whistling the battle hymn of the republic is pretty hard to beat with just quality. (What you shoot is still the main thing of importance if you have the talent to achieve quality so much the better for you to make money from it!!!)

12-30-2002, 01:51 PM
ZMASTER (http://www.zmaster.com) is the URL I forget to put in the last post. DUH!!!


01-02-2003, 04:43 AM
Site looks good - lots of banner exchanges (I'll check those out)

you imply you shoot original stuff, list camera specs...

can you please send some links of actual DVD samples.

I'm the webmaster for heqdvd. Do you buy or sell others' video clips.

We have about 75% of our stuff on sale at ounique.com (search for "gdg", or "gdl" tags in the seach box) but have more to sell?

Last edited by heqdvd at Jan 2 2003, 04:51 AM

01-03-2003, 06:44 PM
For a long time ZMASTER stopped brokering content it was just a pain in the ass for our customers to easily navigate the 10,000 titles that used to be on the site. We only sold ZMASTER exclusive titles.
We now have a great shopping cart that is easy to navigate so we are going to broker content for others again.

ZMASTER (http://www.zmaster.com) is now brokering content for many photographers again and within the month we should be loaded to the gills with new content coming from all over the world. (ZMASTER requires photographers to provide us with copies of all 18 USC 2257 legal documentation for images brokered through our site)

ZMASTER also shoots our own exclusive content (SOLD NOWHERE ELSE)
For photo we use Nikon D1X with Nikor lenses and Dyna lights.
For video we use Sony VX2000 w/external mics and Lowell lighting.
For TV PayPer View and Commercials/Infomercials we use Sony BetaCams and Media 100s.


01-05-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by DAMNMAN@Dec 30 2002, 10:55 AM
I think quality is becoming the absolutely most important thing in the content business.
Almost anyone can get a digital camera these days and take a picture or two of their wife's/husband's or girlfriend's/boyfriend's nether regions and try to make some cash off of it.

But fortunately for us content providers not everyone has the right professional lighting or a Nikon D1X or a Sony VX2000 DV Cam.
Or totally beautiful models to shoot.
And not everyone has the ability to shoot professional quality photos no matter how hard they try they just ain't got it!

So quality still remains the hardest thing to achieve.

That said bad video of a girl wearing pantyhose with a lesbo impaled on each finger, two fists in her pussy up to the elbows a baseball bat in her ass, sucking on a 14 inch black dong while smoking a blunt and whistling the battle hymn of the republic is pretty hard to beat with just quality. (What you shoot is still the main thing of importance if you have the talent to achieve quality so much the better for you to make money from it!!!)
If you are looking for quality then come to my shop.
Every set on my site is made for magazines, and the only thimg they look for is quality.
good prices and no password.

See you around