View Full Version : Has George Bush Been Masterful?

Almighty Colin
12-07-2002, 09:12 AM
Has George Bush been masterful in winning the presidential election and being part of the architect behind the recent sweeps in Congress or is the country very evenly divided right now and the Republicans just got lucky?

Is Bush achieving his goals? Does this make him a good leader or a poor one?

Last edited by Colin at Dec 7 2002, 09:21 AM

12-07-2002, 09:22 AM
I think he's been very cagey. I also think he's only now about to begin achieving his goals. Tom Daschle has been a huge stumbling block; and he's gone. He fired those two economic idiots; and I look forward to seeing what happens next in that area. The next few days/weeks may be very interesting as to the war. I sincerely hope that we gain the Senate seat in LA...Snow, Chaffee, and McCain can't be counted on.

I also expect some changes in legislation passed in the last year or two.

12-08-2002, 02:07 AM
I don't know if Bush did it, but Republicans are really motivated right now, while Democrats are a bit disenchanted. The reason Republicans won the Senate was because the white male voter turnout was substantially higher this last election, while every other voter block was pretty much unchanged. That shows that Republicans might not necessarily have changed the political positions of the majority in this country, but they've done a much better job of mobilizing their supporters to get out and vote. I don't know if Bush can be credited for that. I think the party as a whole has just been really united. The War on Terrorism has given them a new focus and an elevated platform.

Last edited by Danny_C at Dec 8 2002, 02:16 AM

12-08-2002, 02:20 AM
think he's played the part well. BUT the Republicans, as cold as this may sound, got lucky with September 11th. No way anybody wants the Democrats around when something this scary is on our doorstep. This era of Democrats are so insipid and confused and frightened looking that even somebody who is left of center like me feels better with Bush in the White House. Thing is, the worst part of the Republican agenda, gets a chance to be snuck in while we fight the War on Terrorism.

That high white male voter turnout no doubt was another reverberation of 9/11.

12-08-2002, 02:45 PM
The Democrats are pussies. You know, Nader was demonized when he said that the parties were converging, but since Bush took office, name a single thing the Democrats have truly fought him on. I know, there have been a few economic policies they've squabbled over, but I want a party that's going to fight for the platform I voted them in on.

Surely nobody would STILL say that Nader was wrong, or that there was no room for a 3rd party who was still true to their liberal roots.