View Full Version : Ashcroft Meeting With Anti Porn Group

12-06-2002, 12:40 AM
I was listening to NPR and the teaser for the news segment said something about Ashcroft meeting with an anti porn group called the Religious something to discuss prosecution of white collar pornographers. I missed the actual segment and I cant find anything online or on the NPR website about it.

I wonder what a white collar pornographer is!

12-06-2002, 12:58 AM
interesting article:


12-06-2002, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by MissEve@Dec 6 2002, 01:48 AM
I wonder what a white collar pornographer is!
A priest? :P

12-06-2002, 03:22 AM
yeah, meanwhile the catholic priests are living like rockstars fucking underage groupies and doing cocaine....

They can't investigate the largest cult leader in the world, The Pope, but they want to bust Johnny Porno for having some naked pictures on his site...

12-06-2002, 02:05 PM
Makes me sick to think how fucked the US is getting.

I keep trying to talk the wife into moving to Vancouver, but no dice...

She says it's too cold, I tell her I'll buy her a sweater, HAHA still no dice..

oi vey...

cest la porn

Almighty Colin
12-06-2002, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by UncleJimmy@Dec 6 2002, 02:13 PM
Makes me sick to think how fucked the US is getting.

WTF, man?! I love this country. :grrr:

Almighty Colin
12-06-2002, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Peaches+Dec 6 2002, 01:08 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Peaches @ Dec 6 2002, 01:08 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--MissEve@Dec 6 2002, 01:48 AM
I wonder what a white collar pornographer is!
A priest? :P[/b][/quote]
Too funny.

12-06-2002, 02:12 PM
I wonder what a white collar pornographer is!

A priest

:agrin: :agrin: :agrin:

UncleJimmy its a lovely sunny day up here.......10degress C .

And it is inhabited by some nice people :)

Last edited by Nickatilynx at Dec 6 2002, 02:20 PM

12-06-2002, 02:29 PM
Hell yeh Nick!

I agree, I meant to catch up with Anthony last time I was up there, I also know another guy that's wicked nice that lives up that way too...

Been there 2 times and loved it both.

One of these days I'll find a way to get up there on a more regular basis.

And Colin, yes I agree that originally this country was great, and was for a very long time, however the recent turn of events and writing on the wall makes me think that it will not stand that way for very much longer.

I figure this administration during the rest of this term and the next one will completely do away with any appearances of having 'privacy', then when they're done, the democrats will take it back and further rid us of our 2nd Amendment rights and up the taxes even more so that we may be closer to a socialist country.

I have no problems with being taxed as a socialist as long as I get the return on the dollar.

Dianna Vesta
12-06-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Hooper@Dec 6 2002, 01:06 AM
interesting article:

that's been around forever and is a great article. Colin should rip that one apart. I'd love to hear his opinions.


-= JR =-
12-06-2002, 02:35 PM
I figure this administration during the rest of this term and the next one will completely do away with any appearances of having 'privacy', then when they're done, the democrats will take it back and further rid us of our 2nd Amendment rights and up the taxes even more so that we may be closer to a socialist country.


interesting how so many people are a part of the "worlds greatest democracy" as its often called and so afraid of it.

does the government NOT represent the will of the people?
What is the government doing that the majority of people do not support?

12-06-2002, 03:20 PM
Yeh it's a great country and all...

But the guys we got in there now are pushing some limits at our 'private citizens' expense in a very big way...

They're those "onward christian soldier' types that are bottom line 'extremists'....extremists of any sorts are a bit wack

and as for the democratic process, it's as close as it gets, although I think the parlimentary democratic model in the UK is pretty interesting...

basically we have 'elected monarchs'.... they say what they have to to get in office, then they do what they wish....even if it goes against what they ran for originally...

it'd only get more truely democratic if we could fire those fuckers in the middle of their terms cuz they backed out on some of the issues we voted for them when they were 'fluffing us'

speaking of fluffing

time for me to put on the http://www.fluffertrax.com & get to werk :)

12-06-2002, 03:27 PM
fuck this! I'm joining the priesthood...that's where all the fucking action is!

For those who remember, I do have minister's credentials...ok, ULC, but it's still enough for me to have gotten my license to perform wedding ceremonies in the state of Nevada :)

Praise Jesus and pass the barely legal parishners in need of saving!

Look for my new "reality based" site Zany Preacher Outtakes like the episode where the parishners get a "very special" wine (hint, that's NOT apple wine).

And look for my latest Video/DVD release Father Fights featuring priests and other assorted men of the cloth battling it out in a steel cage for the right to "save" a new class of incoming parishners....

(have I officially guaranetted my satin encased seat in Hell yet?) ;))))

12-06-2002, 03:48 PM
That is an interesting article Hooper....

The article mentions Dworkin. I've read some of her stuff and boy does she get under my skin. She's an ex-prosititute, victim of abuse and now an anti-porn feminist... *shudders* She blames all of the worlds problems on pornography including rape and abuse of women. :blink:

I'd love to write a critique of her books...hahaha.

12-06-2002, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by SykkBoy@Dec 6 2002, 03:35 PM
(have I officially guaranetted my satin encased seat in Hell yet?) ;))))
It's right next to my big leather recliner... view of the pits of hell :-)


Almighty Colin
12-06-2002, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Dianna Vesta+Dec 6 2002, 02:38 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Dianna Vesta @ Dec 6 2002, 02:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Hooper@Dec 6 2002, 01:06 AM
interesting article:

that's been around forever and is a great article. Colin should rip that one apart. I'd love to hear his opinions.

Laugh. Thanks, I think. I don't understand though. What would I object to and why? I read it rather quickly and maybe I missed something crucial but I agreed with what I read.

Almighty Colin
12-06-2002, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by UncleJimmy@Dec 6 2002, 02:37 PM
Hell yeh Nick!

I agree, I meant to catch up with Anthony last time I was up there, I also know another guy that's wicked nice that lives up that way too...

Been there 2 times and loved it both.

One of these days I'll find a way to get up there on a more regular basis.

And Colin, yes I agree that originally this country was great, and was for a very long time, however the recent turn of events and writing on the wall makes me think that it will not stand that way for very much longer.

I figure this administration during the rest of this term and the next one will completely do away with any appearances of having 'privacy', then when they're done, the democrats will take it back and further rid us of our 2nd Amendment rights and up the taxes even more so that we may be closer to a socialist country.

I have no problems with being taxed as a socialist as long as I get the return on the dollar.
Feel free to join the club of those that have been celebrating America's decline for the past 200 years. America the Beautiful is a great place to live. Better than ever.

12-06-2002, 08:22 PM
Yeh it was such a great place to live I decided to serve it in the Air Force for over 12 years....

However, at the current direction it's heading today I dont' feel it's worth defending.

What was that saying by one of our founding dudes?

"Those that are willing to give up privacy for security deserve neither?"

However, I'm with you Colin on your sentiment that it is truely one of the greatest countries, I just fear that it's clearly on it's way out of being the breeder of 'independent spirited, innovative people' but becoming more of a 'mindless drone, socialist hodgepodge'

Almighty Colin
12-07-2002, 04:37 AM

I don't think there's any indication of America slipping at all. Are we in a better shape today than during the Vietnam era? How about compared compared to the McCarthyism era? How about the Great Depression? I think we are.

For any negative indicator you might choose, there is a positive. For example, you might point out that the US' GDP is a smaller percentage of world GDP than it was 50 years ago. That is true. I could then counter with pointing out that there is a strong cultural exportation of American cultural products (i,e, music, Hollywood, etc) and that is historically a sign of a strong nation. We could do this over and over. Witness the emergence of the techno-American military, for example.

I think that if one looks at the totality of events in America that would indicate it's strength and the quality of our way of life, things are getting better - not worse.

12-07-2002, 05:07 AM
sure in terms of realizing the potentialites of its members America is doing better than ever. Women can vote and contribute as members of the labour force, minorites are more accepted/understood...etc.

America has a very strong sense of what it is about. While countries like France are trying to turn back the clock and protest reality, America still is a dynamic, vigorous place.

However....Look at all the patent infringement stuff going on. When the spoils go to those who know how to game the system ( PanIP ) rather than those you are actually creating value...it is a sign of decline/ossification


Almighty Colin
12-07-2002, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by PHmike@Dec 7 2002, 05:15 AM
However....Look at all the patent infringement stuff going on. When the spoils go to those who know how to game the system ( PanIP ) rather than those you are actually creating value...it is a sign of decline/ossification

Would you care to point out societies in which this was an indication of decline? What is the full argument? Is this a leading indicator? Companies and individuals playing the system is NOT new. It is ancient. Witness the monopolies of early America. Rockefeller and Carnegie were players extraordinaire in this regard.

Some people think America has become immoral and is therefore in decline. Some even refer to the "moral crisis" in America. I think they're talking about us! If you want to find something wrong with any country or political system from your particular point of view, you will.

I've heard from some people that think America is in trouble because people watch more television than they used to. Well, TV is better than it used to be. It's not like people were spending their spare time sitting around working out physics problems for fun in the first place.
Things change. Times change. Change is not equivalent to decline.

Personally, I look around and see an extremely busy consumer driven society and an improving style of life. America has great entertainment and the weapons to protect it.

Ossification? Do you mean ossification of technology, political system or what?

12-07-2002, 08:59 AM
First, privacy IS NOT guaranteed in the Constitution. The Fourth Amendment ONLY mentions 'unreasonable search and seizure'. There is no mention of privacy anywhere in the Constitution. I agree on the need for it; so perhaps (instead of stating loudly and publicly how much you hate Bush and the Republicans) you should write your elected representatives and push for a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing privacy. Of course, it will also apply to those who wish to create things like 9/11/01; but that shouldn't matter to the Libs. They long ago gave up caring about freedom; instead embracing the same mantra that pulls the terrorists together..."the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

Socialism? Hahaha! Canada, whose Socialised Medicine system has been much-discussed here, announced recently that it was going to be billions in the red and hinted that the US should bail it out for them.

UncleJimmy is just another victim of the boob tube. All of his information comes from only one point of view; therefore he is a rabid anti-conservative. I know the type. I see it on every board. They watch CNN or one of the other Lib networks. They've been conditioned (indoctrinated?) to believe that Fox or talk radio is just propaganda, so they shudder at the thought of even turning it on. They actually believe that there is a big pile of money somewhere; and that whoever gets more is keeping someone from getting 'their fair share'.

Even so, he mentions 'mindless drone, Socialist hodgepodge'; and that indicates that he IS salvageable... :agrin:

12-07-2002, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by Colin+Dec 7 2002, 06:22 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Colin @ Dec 7 2002, 06:22 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--PHmike@Dec 7 2002, 05:15 AM
However....Look at all the patent infringement stuff going on. When the spoils go to those who know how to game the system ( PanIP ) rather than those you are actually creating value...it is a sign of decline/ossification

Would you care to point out societies in which this was an indication of decline? What is the full argument? Is this a leading indicator? Companies and individuals playing the system is NOT new. It is ancient. Witness the monopolies of early America. Rockefeller and Carnegie were players extraordinaire in this regard.

Personally, I look around and see an extremely busy consumer driven society and an improving style of life. America has great entertainment and the weapons to protect it.

Ossification? Do you mean ossification of technology, political system or what?[/b][/quote]
Agreed. People gaming the system are is a new thing.

I was trying to suggest that, now, in America, the relative advantage is with the people who are gaming the system rather than the people who are creating value. Every success contains the seeds of its own destruction....etc, etc.

I think of it like this. When Rome was new,if you were smart and ambitious you wanted to be on the edge of the empire, conquering the Gauls or the Visgoths or whatever.
That s where the money and power were to be made.

A couple of hundred years later, power centralizes, traditions build up...and lo and behold...real power is won at a dinner party cause the emporers daughter likes your purple toga and they put you in charge of defending Rome.

In 1950 America had equal numbers of doctors and lawyers. Now lawyers outnumber doctors something like 3-to-1. Lawyers do not invent AIDS vaccines, air dryers or crispier fries.


12-07-2002, 03:11 PM
real power is won at a dinner party cause the emporers daughter likes your purple toga and they put you in charge of defending Rome.

Is this "How to get ahead at a publishing house"101 , Mike ;)

:D :D

Personally , I believe The US is in decline.
Its greatest strengths (freedom,free speech etc) are also its mosy debilitating weaknesses.

You cannot have wars taking commercial breaks ;)

and a body bag "Öfficial Counts" is not a good plan.

Its still far and awaying the most powerful force at this time but as for me, I'm making friends with a lot of Chinese ;) :yowsa:

12-07-2002, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@Dec 7 2002, 03:19 PM
real power is won at a dinner party cause the emporers daughter likes your purple toga and they put you in charge of defending Rome.

Is this "How to get ahead at a publishing house"101 , Mike ;)

no comment.

12-08-2002, 12:13 PM
Colin, America is a great country and a super power right now. But, what concerns me is how the big picture looks.

I don't think there's any indication of America slipping at all. Are we in a better shape today than during the Vietnam era? How about compared compared to the McCarthyism era? How about the Great Depression? I think we are.

There is one major difference I see that does not bode well for America. During the Great Depression, America was the worlds largest creditor nation. Today we are the largest debtor nation in history. I believe that our vulnerabilities lie in our leverage, our derivatives, our monetary system, those leading us and our collective attitude/philosophy/ignorance as a populace.

Personally, I look around and see an extremely busy consumer driven society and an improving style of life.

Case in point.... I think this is another bad sign. An economy driven disproportionately by consumer consumption. Consumer debt is very high. Consumer savings are very low. Credit is the only thing keeping us afloat and it cannot be perpetuated forever.

I think you have to look at the Gov't as an extension of ourselves and ask yourself if the policy is sustainable. They take in a large portion of our income and utilize it to run the country. I think we all can agree that Gov't is doing things that NO private corporation or individual could (they would be bankrupt by all definitions). For instance, the General Office of Accounting says hey, we can't find 18 billion dollars. We do not know where it went. The Gov't books make Enron look like a picnic. Yet, the public just turns a blind eye and keeps on hocking themselves further into debt. In turn, the Gov't continues the same juggling act, trying manipulate the "natural forces" by playing with the money supply, etc.

IMHO, the bottom line is that you can never run away from the natural balancing act of nature -- growth and decay, catastrophe and renewal, etc. A period will come (a cycle) that will contain the decay and catastrophe phase (just like the stock market, which many people thought would never decay). The excesses will be unwound and when the momentum shifts it will be unstoppable. History has proven that this is highly likely (if not inevitable).

I think there are real reasons for concern, but also there is nothing one can do to change the inevitable (just like we could not stop the Naz from losing 80%). The only thing we can do as individuals is objectively observe and plan accordingly.

Almighty Colin
12-08-2002, 02:34 PM

I do agree that the biggest problem the US has to face is it's debt - I COMPLETELY agree with that.

Almighty Colin
12-08-2002, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by PHmike@Dec 7 2002, 02:49 PM

In 1950 America had equal numbers of doctors and lawyers. Now lawyers outnumber doctors something like 3-to-1. Lawyers do not invent AIDS vaccines, air dryers or crispier fries.

America has had a Nobel Prize winner for 6 consecutive years in medicine. I'm pretty sure crispier fries HAVE been invented in America in the past decade. Care to see the Nobel Prize list for physics?

That to me is a truer reflection of where America is today than the number of lawyers.