View Full Version : Gigantic Database Of Customer Behavior Informatio

Almighty Colin
11-30-2002, 09:23 AM
Dilbert cartoon from 11/13/2000:

Manager: We have a gigantic database full of customer behavior information.

Dilbert: Excellent, we can use non-linear math and data mining technology to optimize our retail channels!

Manager: If that's the same thing as spam, we're having a good meeting here.

Mike AI
11-30-2002, 01:44 PM
HAHA Classic!!! :yowsa: :lol: :D :P

11-30-2002, 05:02 PM
LOL! I was just reading something about opentable.com which I have used a few times. They DO keep a database of customer habits so the next restaurant has that info available. Customers who are a pain in the ass get a NL for Needs Love. :)

Colin....it was 55 in Anchorage the other day!!! It supposed to be 25 or so, its freaking me out.


11-30-2002, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by MissEve@Nov 30 2002, 06:10 PM
Colin....it was 55 in Anchorage the other day!!! It supposed to be 25 or so, its freaking me out.

Holy crap! And it's getting down into the 20's here in GA! :o

There was a point last year - early January I believe - where Atlanta had received more snow than Chicago that winter. Chicago caught up, but I had fun emailing that to my friend up there :lol:

11-30-2002, 06:04 PM
I love Dilbert. I lived in that cartoon for 10 miserable years. Used to have them hanging all over my office. It's only funny because it is true. It always amazed me that the company I worked for could make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits being run by people that were completely clueless.

11-30-2002, 06:32 PM
OK, I know I talked about the stupidity of Sprint and their spending while I was there, but here are examples of two more:

My brother was just laid off. He got 5 months severance. They will be paying him a paycheck - not a lump sum (which helps him taxwise for 2002). They are paying his health insurance (family coverage included) for 5 months. They are paying his life insurance for 5 months. They are providing him with 3 appointments with a professional career counselor. Why the HECK aren't they making him work at least SOME of this time and getting some productivity out of him??! :o

A good friend of mine is a flight attendant. Besides the fact that she really only works about a month a year (she's had time off for a) fertility treatments b ) adopting a baby c) giving birth to baby 1 and d) giving birth to baby 2...), she now has been offered this: For the next year, she will retain all her seniority, stock purchase ability, health (again, family coverage) and life insurance, free flying and buddy passes, AND she gets paid for her 4 weeks vacation time - as long as she doesn't fly and get paid for flying.......! R-n forbid they should actually lay anyone off.

It boggles the mind.

12-01-2002, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by ulfie@Nov 30 2002, 06:12 PM
It always amazed me that the company I worked for could make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits being run by people that were completely clueless.
Didn't you ever hear of the 'Peter Principle?