View Full Version : Fatal Car Wreck

11-29-2002, 12:14 PM
http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/metro/gwi...02/29crash.html (http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/metro/gwinnett/1102/29crash.html)

Yes, I know the father has suffered a great loss, but still......it makes me sick to my stomach that this moron didn't have his kids buckled in. Even if it wasn't the law (which it is in GA), common sense tells you to provide retraints for your children in a car :steemed:

11-29-2002, 12:39 PM
That is very sad Peaches....I hear ya on the restraints.

I see it everyday....here, where we HAVE the laws in place.

I see kids climbing from back to front while dad is driving along...it makes me sick.

Even WITH my kids strapped in I'm always worried 'it's not tight enough', or 'what if the carseat isn't strapped in right?' or...or...or....lol....I'm such a worry wart....haha

I can't imagine allowing my kids to roam free in the car while I'm speeding down the highway at 50mi/h ......laws or no laws...

Mike AI
11-29-2002, 04:03 PM
Yeah it takes more to get a drivers lsicense or open a business then it does to have a kid.... some people should be sterlized.

11-29-2002, 10:32 PM
What possible benefit could prosecuting this man have? Take away the father from the surviving children after losing their mother - for what?

And please don't say deterent ... anyone who requires more deterent than learning of the death of children is NOT going to be "detered" by putting this guy in jail, or on death row.

11-29-2002, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Nov 29 2002, 11:40 PM
What possible benefit could prosecuting this man have? Take away the father from the surviving children after losing their mother - for what?
Well, let's see - for all intents and purposes, he's already killed his wife and 3 of his children....and you think he deserves to raise the kids that are still alive? :blink:

The children need to be taken away from him if he's prosecuted or not. Yeah, I know they won't be, just because of sentiments like yours - but they SHOULD be.

You prosecute people as punishment for breaking the law. Not only did this man break the law, he killed 4 people in the process. :angry:

Marc De
11-30-2002, 01:16 AM
I fail to see any crime being broken.

I'm recently a father and understand the safety precautions one takes for his family and how protective I am, but what exactly did this man do wrong?

Should he have had his kids buckled? Yes... Did he intend to kill his family? No I can remember when I would ride with my parents when I was younger, I didn't wear a safety belt. Should they be thrown in prison for it? If I were to ACCIDENTALLY (remember that its an accident) die from a car accident when my parents were driving, should they currently be serving a life sentence in prison? Does that make them less quality of people than they are today? :huh:

Lets be a little realistic... You can't throw everyone in jail just because something bad happens. Its tragic, it sucks, and the pain and suffering that family has to go through GREATLY outweighs any superficial pain and suffering our legal system could put them through.

Marc De
11-30-2002, 01:19 AM
Peaches - how exactly did he kill 4 people? You think he flipped his fan on purpose? There is an inherent risk in getting in an automobile accident. I wish I could be witting and pull some statistic on the number of deaths for automobile accidents there are every year... none the less, its an accident. It happens, its sucks...

BTW, lets not forget that the mother could have put on HER belt (or would you expect that he do that for her?)

11-30-2002, 01:39 AM
No ... we have to have somebody to punish for everything that goes wrong. The concept of justice seems to be getting lost in the rush for vengence.

11-30-2002, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Marc De@Nov 30 2002, 02:27 AM
Peaches - how exactly did he kill 4 people? You think he flipped his fan on purpose? There is an inherent risk in getting in an automobile accident. I wish I could be witting and pull some statistic on the number of deaths for automobile accidents there are every year... none the less, its an accident. It happens, its sucks...

BTW, lets not forget that the mother could have put on HER belt (or would you expect that he do that for her?)
The law in TN is that you must have all occupants in restraints: Seat belts for anyone over 4, child car seats for anyone under 4 and child restraints for children 4-8 that weigh under 40 pounds (these are also the laws in GA, where he's a resident, but the accident happened in Tennessee).

NO one was belted in in and there weren't even any car seats IN the car for the kids.

The law states that the mother was responsible for herself. The law states that the DRIVER is responsible for themselves and anyone under 15.

He broke the law. Period. Would the kids have lived if they were buckled in? Well, the three in the back that were thrown out of the car died - the three that remained in the car lived, with 2 suffering minor injuries.

I never said he intentially killed his wife and kids - that's why I said "manslaugter". Geeze - if you guys can't see that his breaking the law at the very least contributed to the death of his children, then there's really no point in trying to argue it with you. :(

11-30-2002, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Peaches@Dec 1 2002, 03:15 AM
I never said he intentially killed his wife and kids - that's why I said "manslaugter". Geeze - if you guys can't see that his breaking the law at the very least contributed to the death of his children, then there's really no point in trying to argue it with you. :(
Of course he is wrong.. but I think jail time is a bit disproportionate.. maybe if he was speeding/drinking or something more reckless but not for not wearing seatbelts.