View Full Version : Terrorist Attacks In Kenya

11-28-2002, 06:08 AM
http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/africa/11/28...rael/index.html (http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/africa/11/28/kenya.israel/index.html)

The dune coons were busy overnight. Bombed a hotel of Israelis in Kenya killing 11, also tried to shoot down an Israeli passenger jet.

what the fuck are we waiting for? it's time to put these fuckers to sleep, permanently.

If the world wants an end to this madness, you drop a nuke. I don't think it will take any more than one smaller nuke to get the job done. You tell Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states that they're next on the list and you will see them bawling their eyes out, on their knees begging for mercy and handing over terrorists by the thousands.

Is there anybody stupid and naive enough still in this world to doubt the resolve of these mutants? It will be at your doorstep next.

maybe the only country with balls enough to do anything will be Israel.

-= JR =-
11-28-2002, 06:26 AM
well... they do want to die in their self proclaimed Holy War.

as i always say... there seems to be only one logical solution that mutually benefits both sides.

:snipe: :ph34r:

11-28-2002, 06:32 AM
hey look at JR he is a political cartoonist!

we need more smilies, thousands of them so people can make whole posts in nothing but smiley language.

remember the game show Concentration? all the pictures would spell out some saying.


-= JR =-
11-28-2002, 06:48 AM
once upon a time, there was a businessman.

he enjoyed his success and the quality of life he created for himself and family

but... far away there was another man. a bad man.

he felt threatened because this success was the opposite of everything he believed in and made him to feel threatened
:ph34r: :wnw: :ph34r:

he decided that the best thing to do would be to kill the businessman so he could continue his pathetic, shit eating stone age way of life.

he prepared

he felt God was on his side and he could not lose.

but still.... he did not realize he was bringing a knife to a gun fight.... or more appropriately, sticks and rocks to fight stealth bombers
:kapow: :o

the bad man was defeated

Yet strangely, he never stopped to ponder the irony in the belief that all successes were the "will of Allah"... yet being bombed to oblivion, having all training camps destroyed, thousands arrested, assets/money frozen, plans foiled and being on the run until he dies soon, is somehow not "the will of Allah".

11-28-2002, 06:55 AM
very good! bravo! :wnw:

11-28-2002, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by -= JR =-@Nov 28 2002, 02:34 PM
well... they do want to die in their self proclaimed Holy War.

as i always say... there seems to be only one logical solution that mutually benefits both sides.

Logical solution is sudden death to them all! If that doesn't work, let my unit have 5 minutes with them.

:nyanya: :nyanya: :nyanya: :matey: