View Full Version : Review Site Concept

11-27-2002, 01:53 PM
Hi all....

I run a paysite review site: http://www.adultmonkey.com/ and I have
come up with a new concept of driving high quality traffic to paysites
which should increase signup ratios and increase member retention.
I would like to get some feedback from you guys.....what do you think?
Would you be interested in joining a project like this? Am I missing

Here is the concept: (sorry I couldn't keep this short)

With the launch of the new AdultMonkey website AdultMonkey
also starts to sell memberships to its visitors. For $1.95
a visitor can become a member for a Year. The most important
feature that members will receive is a discount system for
paysites like yours.

Our independent reviews become an ever greater value for
surfers interested in high quality porn. By reading our
independent reviews and viewing our content samples the
user will get a realistic view of what to expect when he
signs up for a membership.

By providing this information to our surfers we bring
more satisfied customered who will retain longer and are
less likely to cancel or even worse chargeback their money.

The surfer knows on forehand what to expect and once he visits
your site he has practically already decided to join. Hence
our excellent conversion ratios on our traffic.

In order to increase the volume of signups AdultMonkey comes
with a new system that will provide the following important
feature to our community.

AdultMonkey will give its members a $5.00 discount on each
and every monthly membership they buy at sites listed in our
special section AdultMonkey Tip.

The discount will be paid from the commision that AdultMonkey
earns through the affiliate programs. This means it will NOT
come out of the pockets of the website operators.

The benefits of this idea are numerous. I will summarize the
most important ones below:

Monkey Members are people interested in porn....in possesion
of a working credit card and willing to use it.

By offering discount on Monthly memberships only we will
stimulate members not to signup for trials but straight for
Monthly Memberships.

Because we offer High Quality sites for $5.00 less then the
normal price the signup volume will increase (We will have
a long running and agressive marketing campaign to promote

Discount Sites are listed in a special area on AdultMonkey
and will get a lot of extra exposure and promotion. It's in
our interest too to push these sites primarily.

Joining the Discount deal will NOT cost the website operator
a single dollar. AdultMonkey will pay the discount out of
it's revshare money.

We have all the information of our members including our
members surfer behaviour. We will send weekly targetted
mailing fitted to our members profile.....this means
every member will get custom fitted mailings targetted
to their interest. In our mailings our discount sites
will get promoted.

Setup for the discount system is easy and requires very
little work for the website operators. Monkey members will
get send to a seperate tour/signup gate on our servers....
Commisions and discount will get calculated at the end of
each month/payment period according to your stats...

AdultMonkey believes this new setup will increase the signup
volume to your sites dramatically allong with the overal
profit for both the websites listed on monkey aswell as for
our partnership revenue.

AdultMonkey only adds High Quality Good Rated/Reviewed sites
to our discount system in order to guarantee a high level
of quality.

If you would like to join or have questions about our discount
system please get in touch with Hans Waasdorp. He can answer
all your questions and get you setup in our system.


11-27-2002, 02:14 PM
hmmm where do I start....

I know .Traffic ? Where are you going to get the traffic from, in order to send?

11-27-2002, 02:37 PM
buying keywords, buying as much banner spots I can get....buying traffic
from brokers.....

Adultmonkey already runs for a while....but without the whole membership
and discount thing....conversions are very high....therefore whatever we
spend on buying traffic will get paid back by conversions.

I have tested with blind clicked traffic from several sources....and we all
know that this type of traffic is not too easy to convert and still made more
than 100% profit on each dollar I have spent.

I'm also counting on bookmarkers as the site is a usefull resource....it
contains no advertising and is easy to use. So I will buy traffic and hope
fully get return traffic from bookmarkers.

The membership is a 1 year membership and people who buy regularly
can save quite a bit of money by using our site...


Last edited by DynaMite at Nov 27 2002, 11:48 AM

11-27-2002, 03:50 PM
Hey Dynamite....

went out andd looke around...

decent concept........

One thought...

In your intro, you say "members can review sites in our database"

a nice option would be for members to be able to request sites be added to the database for review and so they could pick up the discount....

Mike AI
11-27-2002, 04:21 PM
Dyna, I like the idea, it reads very well - but I think it fails in the KISS catagory. ( Keep It Simple Stupid)

The best ideas are easy to convey, and to execute. This seems pretty convaluted, and requires many other groups to work with you. As you know in this industry most people are cokhoslters, or theives ( Nick - had to toss you a plug :P ) or lazy...

So people will try to figure out how to get what they want from your program without putting up anything in return.

Bottom line is your Monkey will be anally raped, the skull fucked to death, other webmasters will come around and skin the dead carcus sell it on ebay, and finally some GFYers would come around and take what is left of the bones and make a bong out of it.

It sucks, but that many times is reality....

We just found this ass clown who was carding ( using stolen VISA numbers) to buy SE traffic, which he then sent to his http://SitePass.com sites.... We are obviously putting a stop on his check.

11-27-2002, 04:59 PM
sarretah members can suggest new sites/categories to monkey....that
feature is already built in.

The feature that members can add reviews aswell is just to create a more
objective opinion.....if we like something it doesn't mean that others like it
aswell....and of course of people share our opinion on sites nothing is more
convincing than that.....I guess.

Mike AI:

Your reply doesn't make much sense to me.....it might be my lack of english.
The whole site is there....all I need to do is make the discount arrangements
with the partnership programs.....these programs already work for a year
with us and we got positive responses on this......and of course if we get
a few programs that join....others will follow.

What is there to steal? Non members will figure out how to get the
discount? Do I care?.....not really.....do partnership programs care....I don't
think so either....it's about volume......I rather have 100 signups and get
$15 than 10 for $20 and so do the programs.....it won't cost them a dime
as I'm paying from my commision......so I think there is very little to steal.

The idea....yes but then.....setting up a site like this takes time....our review
guys work at least 1.5 hours on every review.....it takes quite some effort
to get a database like ours.....

So please enlighten me what people can steal.....or how my monkey can
get raped. Partnership programs don't have any risk at all.....and I think me

So far the old monkey proofed to do very well....I convert on quality
paysites that we have reviewed 1:30 ok we have a lot of sites and at
this moment not a lot of traffic....therefore I came up with this.

basically all I do is give part of the commision that I get back to the people
who signup.....I'm satisfied with a bit less if that will boost up the volume
since that is what will bring me more in the end.


11-27-2002, 05:15 PM
i think Mike was talking about the complexity of it all.

you're not going to be mailing these customers the 5 dollar rebate are you?
no i don't think so. So you are going to have to get each site you want to do business with to set up a different join page for Adult Monkey surfers with the reduced special rate, then their accounting department is going to have to program their software to pay you less than the normal payout or have somebody do it manually. Am i correct about how this will work?

If you were to send a very large amount of signups i am sure programs would accomodate you. I still don't know how XPays got programs to participate with them in the beginning. Same thing with MoneyTree program but they had the massive traffic of SexTracker so i could see programs happy to cooperate with them.

Mike AI
11-27-2002, 05:19 PM
Dyna, I was not knocking the idea because of you. I am sure you are an honest person, and have some great ideas.

The point I was making was dealing with all the OTHER webmasters.... it is a complex plan, and would take the assitence and co-operation of other webmasters. I do not have the best opinion of other webmasters.

So if you combine the difficultly level, along with dealing with many 3rd parties it could drive your GREAT idea into the ground.

I do wish you the best of luck, and if we can help you out let us know.

11-27-2002, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Mutt@Nov 27 2002, 02:23 PM
i think Mike was talking about the complexity of it all.

you're not going to be mailing these customers the 5 dollar rebate are you?
no i don't think so. So you are going to have to get each site you want to do business with to set up a different join page for Adult Monkey surfers with the reduced special rate, then their accounting department is going to have to program their software to pay you less than the normal payout or have somebody do it manually. Am i correct about how this will work?

If you were to send a very large amount of signups i am sure programs would accomodate you. I still don't know how XPays got programs to participate with them in the beginning. Same thing with MoneyTree program but they had the massive traffic of SexTracker so i could see programs happy to cooperate with them.
Ok I understand...........yes each program should make a seperate signup
gate for monkey members that has the discount price....1 time job of 10

At the end of the month number of signups x $5 deducted from total is
my commision.....as it's NOT recurring this is very easy to do....

In CCbill everything can be setup to be automatic.....my payout rate
can be $5 less and it can renew to a normal membership....no work either.
Other billers I have to check and if it's not possible already I will write the
scripts to automate this for them and provide the programs with this....
just like CCbill provides it's merchants with the scripts to add new members.

Yes it requires some minimal 1 time setup work.....but programs that work
with us....can see our stats and will see we do well.....allthough traffic is
not high we do generate signups.

Affiliate programs try so many things to get new webmasters and to get
existing webmasters to send more traffic......I think this is an option that
could be worth the effort......for both of us.......of course not everybody
will do it at once.....but we have 1698 programs in our database I need
a couple to jump in on this and then I'm confident that more will follow.
as I'm quite positive about the results.


11-27-2002, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Nov 27 2002, 02:27 PM
Dyna, I was not knocking the idea because of you. I am sure you are an honest person, and have some great ideas.

The point I was making was dealing with all the OTHER webmasters.... it is a complex plan, and would take the assitence and co-operation of other webmasters. I do not have the best opinion of other webmasters.

So if you combine the difficultly level, along with dealing with many 3rd parties it could drive your GREAT idea into the ground.

I do wish you the best of luck, and if we can help you out let us know.
All is good.....I was not offended....and for sure I don't know everything...
that's why I posted this in order to get different views......you replied....
I appreciate that very much......I now understand what you were trying
to say and yes.....to get everyone hooked up will be difficult.

But as we have over 1600 programs if I get 100 sites.....not programs
to start with that would be a great start......I'm also very selective with
this as I only want to push quality sites....not cookie cutter crap that only
rips of surfers.....

I do have quite a lot of patience....I'm working on monkey for a year
already only to gather info and what works best.....now the time has come
that I know what I want with it and try to make it happen.


11-28-2002, 08:55 AM
I just thought I should mention that because of this post the first BIG
webmaster program contacted me to offer support and will be joining
our project by entering in our discount system.

Now who says webmasters boards are a waste of time? Thank you very
much "Webmaster" and Thank you Oprano!

DynaMite :wnw: :rokk:

11-28-2002, 08:59 AM
:bdance: that's good news DynaMite.


11-28-2002, 09:08 AM
Ok I understand...........yes each program should make a seperate signup
gate for monkey members that has the discount price....1 time job of 10

At the end of the month number of signups x $5 deducted from total is
my commision.....as it's NOT recurring this is very easy to do....

roughly how many signups can you send per day to each program?

11-28-2002, 09:29 AM
i like the term 'monkey members' :butt:

11-28-2002, 09:32 AM

just what does a monkey member look like!!?!?

11-28-2002, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by cj@Nov 28 2002, 06:16 AM
Ok I understand...........yes each program should make a seperate signup
gate for monkey members that has the discount price....1 time job of 10

At the end of the month number of signups x $5 deducted from total is
my commision.....as it's NOT recurring this is very easy to do....

roughly how many signups can you send per day to each program?
To be honest I don't know.....until all I have been doing is testing and
playing....I know the conversion ratios are very good....1:30
currently we have 1698 programs and over 3000 sites listed....of course
a lot of them are crap and don't get any signups at all

Then of course we haven't reviewed all of the sites yet....right now I can
see that any site that gets rated between 7 and 10 stars get signups
and an occasional niche site that is not reviewed aswell.

Downside of my site that we promote so many sites....which means that
usually signups are spread over a number of sites....so the amount of
signups per site/program is not that high.

I assume sites that will be in the discount system will receive considerable
higher signups...1 because of the discount and 2 because of the extra

Currently we have very little traffic as I have been testing/building all this.
As mentioned before we will spend money on buying traffic as our test
have shown that because of conversions it's the most simple and fastest
way of getting traffic and also it's profitable

I do have a budget to spend on traffic that should be more than enough
to get rolling in a decent way....

My target for now is to get 5 signups per site that is listed in the discount
deal and 2 signups per day for every other site that is rated between 7
and 10 bananas.

That isn't that much.......but.....the signups we bring are people that exactly
know what they get.....there will be no suprises for them and if I look at
the stats from the past test year they retain for quite some time.....so
therefor I think I provide "Better" signups

Discount signups are b.t.w. only on monthly memberships.....so no trial


11-28-2002, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by cj@Nov 28 2002, 06:40 AM

just what does a monkey member look like!!?!?

Something like this?

DynaMite :biglaugh:

11-28-2002, 09:46 AM
roughly how many signups can you send per day to each program?

Dynamite, not sure which part of your post was meant to answer my question, i couldn't find anything but predictions in your post ...

basically you are saying you 'aim' to send 5 signups per day to a program, and in exchange they have to provide you with a unique join process AND calculate your payouts different to every other webmaster ...

as a program owner ... i don't see why i would bother

1698 programs?!?!?!?!? there's that many!?!?!?!
what kind of programs do you have in there currently?

11-28-2002, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by cj@Nov 28 2002, 06:54 AM
roughly how many signups can you send per day to each program?

Dynamite, not sure which part of your post was meant to answer my question, i couldn't find anything but predictions in your post ...

basically you are saying you 'aim' to send 5 signups per day to a program, and in exchange they have to provide you with a unique join process AND calculate your payouts different to every other webmaster ...

as a program owner ... i don't see why i would bother

1698 programs?!?!?!?!? there's that many!?!?!?!
what kind of programs do you have in there currently?
CJ, correct so far I don't have anything that test data (low traffic) and
predictions based on my test data.....shouting that I can move a mountain
would be a lie.....and mum tought me not to lie.....so I won't

5 signups for monthly memberships that will retain on average 3 or 4
months seems enough reason to me to get in on this....

it's a 1 time setup job and calculation of revenue can/will be automated
5 x 30 signups is 150 signups per month....that should cover the initial
setup and will leave some profit....especially on retention.

People who think long term will see the benefit in this....people who want
cash fast won't for the last I'm afraid my plan sucks.....I guess I can't
please/have it all.

My predications are based on the first 6 months.....prediction any longer
I think is making predictions on air....the industry is moving all the time
6 month on internet is like 2 years in normal business.

Again this is an experiment it's new and it's different.....if it will really
succeed....I guess time will tell.....but I have a good feeling about it
and gave it a lot of thought. I know it has its difficulties and I know it's
not for everybody but I do think I can get enough partners to join in this
to give it a serious shot.....afterall the partners don't have that much to

DynaMite :)

11-28-2002, 04:14 PM
As you know in this industry most people are cokhoslters, or theives ( Nick - had to toss you a plug ) or lazy...

Thks Mike :)

Some of us are proud to be all three :)


Sorry about that remebered DV's link on anothere thread again.It keeps repeating on me :barfon:


11-28-2002, 04:25 PM
Shame on you for stealing an idea from a GFYer...

how low can you go?

11-28-2002, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by DrGuile@Nov 28 2002, 01:33 PM
Shame on you for stealing an idea from a GFYer...

how low can you go?
hahahaha look at the site and ask me how long this is already online?
It's been online for over a year...only the discount/member thing was
added recently.....so please enlighten me from who I stole this good idea?

Which other site is offering discount to paysites or in a similar way?

Yes there are other review sites....some with whom I even work together..
however there are also more teen sites, more search engines, more tgp's
what's your point?


Last edited by DynaMite at Nov 28 2002, 02:01 PM

11-28-2002, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by DynaMite@Nov 28 2002, 05:00 PM
...only the discount/member thing was
added recently.....so please enlighten me from who I stole this good idea?
that specifically the idea someone on GFY put forward just this week. And you posted to that thread...


11-28-2002, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by DrGuile+Nov 28 2002, 02:04 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DrGuile @ Nov 28 2002, 02:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--DynaMite@Nov 28 2002, 05:00 PM
...only the discount/member thing was
added recently.....so please enlighten me from who I stole this good idea?
that specifically the idea someone on GFY put forward just this week. And you posted to that thread...


I know what you mean.....you mean This Thread (http://www.gofuckyourself.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=90672)

And I posted......see how it's done.......<My URL> as in nice idea
I have already done this.....I have been talking about this idea to
webmasters for the last month and I spend 2 months before that building


11-28-2002, 05:11 PM
Actually I have been discussing this whole idea with some webmasters
in Miami during internext....that's where I decided to build it....I talked to
Evil Chris about this Early september....and also with Mike D of soulcash
in the same period.....


Evil Chris
11-28-2002, 05:18 PM
DynaMite and I talked about this... (well, he explained it to me) months ago... I don't think he needed any kind of help from GFY to get where he wanted to go with this...

11-28-2002, 05:28 PM
I thought of this idea 3 years ago. Send all of your profits to me. Email me and I will give you the wiring instructions.

11-28-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Monk@Nov 28 2002, 02:36 PM
I thought of this idea 3 years ago. Send all of your profits to me. Email me and I will give you the wiring instructions.
You must be from Acacia :P


11-28-2002, 05:55 PM
Fucking Acacia! THEY stole MY idea too. I'm going after them once they collect all their settlements.

Question: I imagine many of your surfers are attracted by the thought that you are independent from the paysites you are reviewing and feel like they are getting advice from a buddy. Won't you lose your appearance of independence from these paysites once you start offering discounts only available thru YOUR site?

11-28-2002, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Monk@Nov 28 2002, 03:03 PM
Fucking Acacia! THEY stole MY idea too. I'm going after them once they collect all their settlements.

Question: I imagine many of your surfers are attracted by the thought that you are independent from the paysites you are reviewing and feel like they are getting advice from a buddy. Won't you lose your appearance of independence from these paysites once you start offering discounts only available thru YOUR site?
Good question.....but I don't think so

Discount sites are from different partnership programs
Users can respond/add comment/opinions to our reviews and they do
Users can vote/rate sites so users will see our opinion/rating and other
users rating/opinion. Reviews are quite detailed and discount sites have
20 pics from their membersarea posted on our sites....

If we would not be unbiased word will spread around very fast.....but yes
I agree it is very important for us to stay objective....

It's one of the reasons why we don't use any banners on our sites and list
so many different sites....

I might add a FAQ section where I explain some of this......


11-28-2002, 06:21 PM
DynaMite what are the top rated sites on AdultMonkey?

ATK? Bangbus? Karups? Alsscans?

11-28-2002, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Mutt@Nov 28 2002, 03:29 PM
DynaMite what are the top rated sites on AdultMonkey?

ATK? Bangbus? Karups? Alsscans?
Yes all of those are top rated......we select on a couple of criteria

Picture Quality
Download Speed
Content Promise

We do not rate the Best of all sites....meaning that we have quite a few
top rated sites.....it's not like we only election type of rating....
If sites offer what they promise, are easy to use, updated frequently
and ask a reasonable price for what they offer then the site will receive
a good rating.

For example an amateur sites that hasn't got a slick design and is limited
in amount of content....but original, offers good support and is reasonable
priced can also get a top rating.


11-28-2002, 09:33 PM
Dyna, a simple question for ya... if your process is as good as you make it out to be, why not just join all these programs and send traffic, taking the $30 or so average per signup dollars you would get? I don't want to sound ignorant, but it seems to me that if you have a good enough filter, then you would want to be the one reaping the benefits...

JMHO, of course.



11-28-2002, 11:04 PM
I reckon Mike's Right Dynamite... could be good but make it simpler... rather than trying to offer the deal for every site in your database, maybe make a smaller paying members area that focusses on a few featured sites letting you send more volume to each one.

One other issue I see when negotiating a deal with sponsors is that a surfer who joins several paysites per month would be worth less in profit per signup than average imho.. and the programs that pay the most often seem to use generic members areas too so if you try selling you're visitors to them multiple times it will become a chargeback problem.

Here is an idea you are free to take if you like (if you can make it workable) I spoke to a rep from a big company recently about a similar concept to yours but.. my paying members would be given short free trial access to a paysite member areas. The paysite owner would need to setup your site as an allowed referer to the member area but that should be all that is needed on their part... then you provide your members with a short time based session to access the area.. I was thinking 15-30 minutes.. at the end of that time the surfer is transported to a page prompting them to continue to the signup form to continue enjoying whatever content they were in the middle of when the session expired.

The rep threw up a few objections like the profitabilty issue I mentioned above.. But in particular, that this type of site would attract a lot of content leach program users... that would log into each site and use an offline browser program to suck all the content.. and never join anything.

If you can address the profitabilty part, the security, think of a way to limit the content leach problem and create enough volume, minimum 100 signups a day would be my thinking, then I reckon it could be a real winner :D

11-29-2002, 05:42 AM
RawAlex: The discount thing will only be for a select number of sites....probably no more than 150 I understand what you are saying
but the discount thingie gives some really marketing options which I will
be needing to pull the traffic to monkey. Discount is a magic word :awinky:

Opti: Very interesting thought I'll be sure looking into that I like the idea
very much and will see if can come with something based on that. I think
security for file leechers can be overcome and the short time session aswell
I have to puzzle with this for a bit.....thanks for the input...I'm getting a lot
of useful tips and views

100 signups per day to anything imho is a winner :agrin:


11-29-2002, 06:26 AM
Ok here is how I figurred how to do the free trial trick (technically):
In my listings for members I will make a seperate link which indicates
"Free Trial" if a member clicks on it an email is being sent to his email
address with a link that contains a key that contains a time based hash
(similar link opt in mailinglist). Clicking the link will set a cookie and redirect
the user to the members area of the site he choose.

I will limit the "Free Trials" to 5 per user per week. This makes sure a user
cannot use more than 5 trials per week. The paysites only have to add
a few lines to their .htaccess to allow access from monkey.

The email thing makes it too much work for leechers to use and even if it
would be limited for use....also I have a pretty complete set of rewrite rules
for site leechers which I can provide to the paysites.

If you see any flaws.......be my guest and shoot :unsure:


11-29-2002, 07:00 AM
Originally posted by DynaMite@Nov 29 2002, 06:34 AM
If you see any flaws.......be my guest and shoot :unsure:

I have a lot more opinions to offer, but I think you only want positive ones so i'll keep quiet ;-))))


11-29-2002, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by Opti@Nov 28 2002, 11:12 PM
One other issue I see when negotiating a deal with sponsors is that a surfer who joins several paysites per month would be worth less in profit per signup than average imho.. and the programs that pay the most often seem to use generic members areas too so if you try selling you're visitors to them multiple times it will become a chargeback problem.
looks to me like somebody has been listening ;-))

once upon a time, a signup was a signup ... every surfer was a newbie, therefore, all worth the same. now, there's as much variety in 'quality of members' as there is in 'quality of traffic'.

I'd pay $15 per signup for the members you are selling through this system ;-)

11-29-2002, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by cj+Nov 29 2002, 04:11 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (cj @ Nov 29 2002, 04:11 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Opti@Nov 28 2002, 11:12 PM
One other issue I see when negotiating a deal with sponsors is that a surfer who joins several paysites per month would be worth less in profit per signup than average imho.. and the programs that pay the most often seem to use generic members areas too so if you try selling you're visitors to them multiple times it will become a chargeback problem.
looks to me like somebody has been listening ;-))

once upon a time, a signup was a signup ... every surfer was a newbie, therefore, all worth the same. now, there's as much variety in 'quality of members' as there is in 'quality of traffic'.

I'd pay $15 per signup for the members you are selling through this system ;-)[/b][/quote]
Ok I get that....but now you are assuming that my members will join multiple paysites each month......I wish this was true :P

I think the users I get are users that want to sign up with sites but are
afraid they get cheated......perhaps this has happened to them before.
Some buy multiple memberships....but not 3 per month and if they do
bless them.....

Yes probably my users are being spoiled and want stuff that is really good.
The sites in this thing are really good sites....else they wouldn't be in it.
This is only available to a select number of sites that have been rated 9 or
10 bananas.

All other sites have reviews and probably some galleries but will are not
available for discount/free trial and the sites which are listed are not only
pps also revshare as I'm selecting on quality and not on payout.

Oh and b.t.w. I can handle negative commenst too....I'm here to learn and
I'm sure I'm making mistakes.....worst case I don't agree with some of the
negative comments but I won't have any problems reading them and think
about them.

So far I think I have gotten better from it......so fire away

DynaMite :wnw: