View Full Version : How Big Do You Want Your Penis Or Vagina To Be?

11-26-2002, 03:48 AM
Washington - Because of recent breakthroughs in genetic research it may be possible within 25 years to artificially grow penises and vaginas that can be implanted as functioning organs in humans, the Impotence World Association said on Friday.
With more than 80 million men and women in the United States suffering from some form of impotence, doctors say sexual healing, especially for women, is just around the corner with new developments in genetic research and Viagra-like drugs.

:nyanya: :nyanya: :nyanya: :matey:

11-26-2002, 05:30 AM
oh god this is going to be great, i'm going to be an 80 year old man with
a 14 inch cock.

and they say money can't buy hap-penis! :lol:

in the future people with money are going to be able to do all sorts of things that poorer people can't, clone their own organs, live to 150, 14 inch penises,

i wonder if Frankencock from the Wetlands has read this yet!

who here right not would go on a trip to the moon if the price came down to say 50,000 dollars?

11-26-2002, 06:09 AM
...and I'll still be able to spam my pills...just because they're growing 'em bigger, doesn't mean they're growing 'em better........

11-26-2002, 07:07 AM
"With more than 80 million men and women in the United States suffering from some form of impotence"

... so when calling an american "impotent" itīs likely to be correct by 10% ??

11-26-2002, 10:40 AM
Gotta love this country.... We're all for vat-grown dicks and cunts to enhance our sexual inadequacies... But try to discuss stem-cell research or cloning for medical reasons and you're a derranged mad scientist bent on the destruction of humanity.

Who needs a new liver or spleen or heart? So what if cloning could replace cancerous organs (like a pancreas) with healthy viable tissues - We don't care about stupid shit like that - we just want BIGGER DICKS!

I live on a planet with a bunch of fucking morons. :(

11-26-2002, 11:36 AM
who here right not would go on a trip to the moon if the price came down to say 50,000 dollars?

Me.I won't even fly to Seattle.I hate flying.