View Full Version : What The Fuck Went On

11-24-2002, 09:19 PM
What a bizarre day in the NFL

Farve intercepted 4 times

Warner throws for 300+ yards and 2TD's and the Rams still lose to the Skins - when they could have tied the game with a field goal with 17 seconds left .... but they tried to pass and Warner fumbled

Priest Holmes alone has over 300 yards from scrimmage!!!!!!! and the Chiefs still lose ..... to the Seahawks ... and Holmes 300+ yards from scrimmage is more than double the Raven's offense output ... and the Ravens won!

Miami Crushes San Diego 30-3

Saints lose at home to the Browns

Does Michael Vick have a big red S on his chest .... he looks like Superman and make the reast of the league look like mortals

and all this the week after McNabb plays on a broken leg while throwing 4 TD's

can you explain any of this???? Got to love the NFL!!!!

Last edited by Vick at Nov 24 2002, 11:07 PM

11-24-2002, 09:27 PM
all i know is i sucked in Pickem and i should have bet 100K on my strongest
5 STAR LOCK OF THE CENTURY. I KNEW Buffalo was getting beat today, every once in awhile you get a game that you have NO doubt what's going to happen. The real gamblers might have one or two plays a week, that's the way to do it. But most people love the excitement of having money on games so they bet more games and it's harder to do.

11-24-2002, 09:37 PM
p.s. the cutest thing that happened in the NFL today was a certain 16 month old boy figuring out how to lead the section he was sitting in to cheer for the Ravens :D

He was in the second row on section 203 and stood on his mother's lap and turned around to face the fans behind him and started clapping

the nice half drunk guys in the row behind him picked up on his clapping and they joined in clapping and cheering and then the rest of the section joined in - this went on for most of the 3rd quarter


11-24-2002, 11:10 PM
Don't forget the Lions giving the coin toss to the Bears in overtime, then getting scored on to look like complete chumps.

I just watched the Colts kicker make a career-long 54 yarder IN SNOW with 8 seconds on the clock. Oooooovertime. Didn't see what happened after that, was a good game though.


11-24-2002, 11:23 PM
Vanderjak (Colts kicker) came back and won the game in overtime with a 51 yard field goal into the wind!

Yep I forgot the Lions giving the coin toss to the Bears in overtime

What a wild weird weekend in the NFL

What going to happen tonight in the 9ers Eagles game?

11-24-2002, 11:47 PM
Vick what about the end of the GB game when they were leaving the field ? ?

Did you see " Afterward, obscenities flew in a heated exchange between Packers coach Mike Sherman and Bucs defensive tackle Warren Sapp over some disputed aggressive play by Sapp"

I saw the play I think Sapp was wrong and should be fined !

Almighty Colin
11-25-2002, 04:13 AM

What did Sapp do? He blocked a 327 pound offensive lineman in the middle of a play above the waist. There wasn't even a penalty called on it.

Last edited by Colin at Nov 25 2002, 04:22 AM

11-25-2002, 07:21 AM
Sapp was playing FOOTBALL!

He wasn't slacking around like the other guy.. when you are on the field you have to be agressive!

11-25-2002, 09:16 AM
I watched the Tampa Green Bay game and feel Sapp's block was legal
also a little over zealous - it was no where near the play - but that's the NFL
Bottom line, no flag - not a penalty

I haven't seen Sapp gloating or laughing about the play - which I believe was Sherman's problem with Sapp

Almighty Colin
11-25-2002, 09:34 AM
How hard would YOU hit a 327 pound offensive lineman to block him?

11-25-2002, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Colin@Nov 25 2002, 09:42 AM
How hard would YOU hit a 327 pound offensive lineman to block him?
Before or After asking his permission? :unsure:

11-25-2002, 10:01 AM
Watch out Saints.. It's Go Time.. and the Bucs wanna stay in 1st!

It's all about offense. If we have a good day, we will win the game. Defense is without question.

My prediction is saints will stay at 8 wins for a while. MikeAI was correct at the beginning of the season.. 8 wins then out

11-25-2002, 11:13 AM
After next Sunday playing Tampa, New Orleans has a very easy schedule
Playing at Baltimore, Minnesota, at Cincinnati, and Carolina

Saints should finish up 11-5 or 10-6 which should get them to the dance
in fact both NFC wildcards should come from the NFC South

Defenses win championships and Tampa has a very good defense
Gruden is doing the job he was brought into do, Tampa's offensive is showing signs of life and Johnson is probably playing the best he has in his career however ........

Chuckie has never won the Big Game

P.S. Mutt please remember there are 2 Thursday game this coming week

Almighty Colin
11-25-2002, 11:34 AM

Most of the people that will win the Big Game have yet to do so.

Almighty Colin
11-25-2002, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Nov 25 2002, 11:21 AM

Defenses win championships and Tampa has a very good defense

So do offenses.

Of the past 20 super bowl winners, 15 were ranked in the top 5 in the league in scoring offense and 14 of them in defense. These teams were incredibly balanced overall - near the top of the league in both offense and defense.

6 of the past 14 superbowl winners lead the league in scoring the year they won.

Last edited by Colin at Nov 25 2002, 12:16 PM

11-25-2002, 12:12 PM
Most of the people that will win the Big Game have yet to do so

That is only true if big game continues to be played
If the big game stopped this year (highly unlikely) the above statement is no longer true :D he he he

Last edited by Vick at Nov 25 2002, 12:22 PM

11-25-2002, 12:14 PM
near the top of the league in both offense and defense

Please refer to 2000 Ravens
#1 defense
#16 offensive

I still stand by Defense (and running game) win championships

Almighty Colin
11-25-2002, 12:48 PM

I do not think it is true that the popular and common adage "defenses wins championships" is any more true than the statement "offenses win championships". Statistically, the most accurate statement would be that "teams with very good offenses and defenses win championships".

While it is true that teams that have won the Super Bowl have mostly had good defenses their offense have been JUST as good. In general, it is NOT true that average offenses with great defenses win the Super Bowl. It is very rare. Ravens are an exception (along with 90 Giants) and not the rule.

More often it has been teams that are very good both offensively and defensively that win Super Bowls. Only 5 of the 19 super bowl winners from 1983 until present were ranked higher in defense than offense.

Last edited by Colin at Nov 25 2002, 12:59 PM

11-25-2002, 01:06 PM
Colin - there you go with statistics to counter my fuzzy logic :D

to paraphrase Mark Twain
"there are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics"

Actually I think Tampa has a very good team and I would like to see Sapp get a ring - however I feel there are missing an intangible - the swagger

Last year New England overcame adversity and had mo on their side (think about the Brady pass? - the tuck)

Year before the Ravens personified the swagger

The Rams truly believed they were the greatest show on Turf

Denver wanted it for Elway - twice

You have to be able to rely on your defense to cause turnovers and keep the opponents from scoring

One stat I am interested in seeing is who lead the league in takeaways and where Super Bowl teams ranked in takeaways for their winning year

Tampa is leading this year
http://www.nfl.com/stats/teamsort/NFL/DEF-...=9&sort_col_2=9 (http://www.nfl.com/stats/teamsort/NFL/DEF-TURNOVERS/2002/regular?&-3&sort_col_1=9&sort_col_2=9)

New England was 10th in the league last year
http://www.nfl.com/stats/teamsort/NFL/DEF-...=9&sort_col_2=9 (http://www.nfl.com/stats/teamsort/NFL/DEF-TURNOVERS/2001/regular?&sort_col_1=9&sort_col_2=9)

Almighty Colin
11-25-2002, 01:21 PM
Vick - I am very interested in the correlation between strength of schedule and super bowl winner. Do Super Bowl winners tend to have had weak schedules and thefore bye weeks and better records and home field advantage in playoffs? I have not had a chance to look into this yet.

I would suspect that good teams with weak schedules are the best super bowl candidates. Don't know if that is actually true though.

11-25-2002, 01:28 PM
Colin I have no idea but
In today parity laden NFL, strength of schedule may have an effect - every team goes home and home with all in their division and then plays all from another division (Green Bay and Tampa are not scheduled to meet each other regular season until 2008 again - what a shame)

The Saint's this year are a good example of playing a weak schedule

New England came from nowhere as did the Raven's and the Ram's

the other thing that can't be factored in is injuries
If Trent Green doesn't get injured in 1999 and Warner doesn't get to start do the Rams still become the greatest show on turf?

What about Brady for Bledsoe last year?

In 2000 the Raven's had very few injuries, 2001 they were beset with a plague of injuries

Almighty Colin
11-25-2002, 01:37 PM
Vick - I like the new schedule system and think it an improvement. I don't like the idea of trying to create the appearance of more parity than there actually is. It's sort of a socialist organization, isn't it? Punishing good teams by making them play tougher teams and vice versa. The new schedules remove some of that.

Last edited by Colin at Nov 25 2002, 01:47 PM

11-25-2002, 01:37 PM
The Steelers tried their best to lose to the Bengals but they found a way to lose again. The Steelers defense is horrible this year. #1 in the NFL last year, same people this year, and they stink. wtf is up with that? :grrr:

11-25-2002, 01:57 PM
Ulfie - injury to Bell and Tommy Maddox might be the answers
With Maddox playing well teams had to throw to keep up with the Steelers


Holy Hannah! - Sportsline says Sapp "On the play in question, the shot was indeed a cheap one -- and at the very least an unnecessary one as it came far away from the play as it was ending. "

It also says "Sapp launched himself at Clifton and nailed him from the side, a shot that the league will certainly review and one that should lead to a major fine for Sapp. " and " He supposedly taunted Clifton when he was down"

If that is true and Sapp did taunt Clifton, Sapp should get a heavy fine $50K+

Colin - the new schedule is great for fans -

11-25-2002, 02:29 PM
I am still not over it today! :angry:

11-25-2002, 10:07 PM
and for The Enforcer .....
Can you kick Terry Glenn's weak ass out of Green Bay and out of the NFL!!!!!!! No Heart

In fact Glenn has less testicular fortitude that male cheerleaders in the NFL

and male cheerleaders DO NOT BELONG IN THE NFL!!!!
I can not express thast strongly enough!!!!

11-25-2002, 10:20 PM
Big Ouch!
Coy Detmer - Eagles backup QB playing in McNabbs' place just (most likely) broke his arm - not as ugly as the LT hit on Theisman years ago but almost that ugly

Real shame, Detmer was playing very well tonight

Mike AI
11-25-2002, 10:31 PM
Vick the game tonight is a good one, a suprising one... glad to see the Eagles coming out to play, I respect that...

The Detmer injury definately looked bad, dislocated elbow... I dislocated my thumb and it was the most pain I ever had, I could not imagine a major body part like arm.

Hope he is ok, he is one of the good guys.

11-25-2002, 10:34 PM
I was surprised the Eagles came out throwing tonight and were successful
10 of the first 15 plays were passes

11-26-2002, 01:16 AM
Sapp cleared of wrongdoing, they're saying hit was legal, no fine.

Oh well.


Mike AI
11-26-2002, 01:36 AM
Cal the hit was legal, but was uncalled for. He may have caused damage for life on that guy, and might have ruined his football career.

Sapp should know better, he launched himself as a missle leaving his feet - which from what I understand of the new rules is an illegal hit. They have gone after safeties and corners who have done the same and they are not over 300lbs.

The NFL players have their own way of dealing with these issues, if I was Sapp I would watch out for my knees next time they play GreenBay.

11-26-2002, 02:07 AM
They're saying the guy has internal draining of blood into his pelvis or something pretty fucking nasty. Not justifying what Sapp did, it looked to me like it had nothing to do with the play (guy was too far to get a hit on anyone) so yeah I'd say it was unnecessary. Sucks that cheap shots like that are the ones that do the most damage.


Almighty Colin
11-26-2002, 03:33 AM
People seem divided over the Sapp issue. This is what happens when people try and determine INTENT. Division.

Mike AI
11-26-2002, 10:45 AM
Colin, it was clear what the intent was - to put that guy on his ass. Now I do not think Sapp would hit someone and try to injure them severly, but getting a free shot is something that all players seem to relish....

Cal is right the guy was not even in the play, 30 yards away, and being a lineman no way was he going to get involved. Hitting the guy may have been legal, but it was a cheap shot, and Sapp knows it, no matter how much trash he talks. I lost a lot of respect for Sapp.

11-26-2002, 10:53 AM
Also defensive players love to get that opportunity to throw a crushing block - It happens to them a few times a game and when they get the op to do it to someone else they take it to the fullest extent

Look at any interception return

Mike AI
11-26-2002, 10:56 AM
Of course Vick, and normally the first player the defense goes after is the QB. It was funny because on one interception Sapp ran right pass Farve, I guess he likes Farve enough not to launch into him like a missle - even the comentators noticed it.

I do not think the Saints will beat Tampa, infact I have a feeling we will get blown out since our teams is starting to look like the wreck it was at the end the year last year, but I do hope that someone smacks Sapp around a little.

11-26-2002, 05:18 PM
I didn't see what Sapp did so I can't comment on it. What REALLY frosts me about NFL players these days is they are ALWAYS looking for the big hit instead of just tackling someone. These guys are so obsessed with showing up on sportscenter they don't bother to actually tackle anyone. Instead they try to throw their shoulder into them as hard as possible and knock them down. Anyone that ever played football knows that isn't how you tackle. Head up, hit them square, wrap your arms....except those kind of tackles don't make the highlight reels.

Mike AI
11-26-2002, 08:43 PM
I agree with you Ulfie, many modern athletes look to do things that will get them on Sportcenter rather doing what it takes to win games. This is especially bad in basketball.... :angry:

11-26-2002, 09:06 PM
funny that athletes know "face" value
That's why so many NFL players take the helmet off after big plays - leads to endorsements

and how many players come up big on Sunday night and Monday night ... because they know it's a huge audience and the rest of the league is watching

I haven't heard anything else about possible Sapp taunt after "the block"

One thing that is starting to get to me is all the chest pounding after an ok play in the NFL - hell it's what you were paid to do

Johnny U were are you - our high top hero would have NEVER stood for nonsense

Last edited by Vick at Nov 26 2002, 09:15 PM

Almighty Colin
11-27-2002, 08:14 AM
Vick on chest pounding. That is so funny. I have noticed the same thing. A 4 yard run - the linebacker mackes a tackle and then celebrates. More and more lately - it seems.

I miss the days of real celebration though. I liked "the bob". I liked "the sack dance". I liked high 5's in the end zone.

11-30-2002, 01:02 PM
FOLLOW UP on the Sapp Block

Green Bay Packers offensive tackle Chad Clifton could be out for the season after injuring his hip when Warren Sapp hit him during an interception return.

Sherman angrily confronted Sapp after the game, complaining that Sapp's hit was a cheap shot.

Sapp denied the accusation and said he was stunned Sherman came up to him and initiated an obscenity-laced exchange after the player finished a television interview on the field.

The NFL said that Sapp's hit didn't break any rules and no punishment would be levied against the All-Pro defensive tackle.

``The play was reviewed,'' NFL spokesman Michael Signora said. ``And because it was legal, there will be no disciplinary action.''

Sherman said on Monday he had no regrets that he confronted Sapp, but he regrets it has become such a big issue.

``I did what I thought I had to do,'' Sherman said.

Mike AI
11-30-2002, 01:14 PM
Yeh I read that Sapp is even rethining his hit, saying he did not mean to hurt anyone.... I do not see Sapp as a prson who would want to hurt someone on purpose. But he was wrong for the unnecessary shot.

11-30-2002, 01:26 PM
Quick someone buy MikeAI a vowel for his Birthday :P he he he

That could have an impact on the Packers season