View Full Version : Remember Windows 95?

Almighty Colin
11-22-2002, 07:49 AM
Remember when people stood in line at midnight to purchase Windows 95?

How quickly the unusual and cutting-edge becomes mundane.

11-22-2002, 07:53 AM
"..living in the TECHNOLOGY WORLD"


11-22-2002, 08:16 AM
Colin, my favorite technology 'BAM' change was tapes to cd's ... so i'm rambling kinda off subject here

cd's kinda took over within this rediculously small period, rarely does anyone buy tapes, except for the car ... it doesnt' seem to be as much so in america? but very few new cars come without a cd player here ...

I had a discussion with a friend of mine who lives in canada, about the difference in saturation of cd players in new cars between countries ... his point was that it takes longer for a trend to 'sweep' a larger country, especially an expensive one ...

I remember when my uncle was at college, and he was a real computer geek in the early 80's, he used to have all these cool gadgets way before anyone else had heard of them. He told me once, when I was about 9, that cd's were indestructable, that they last a lifetime and could never be damaged. Every cd in his collection was meticulously placed back in its case and he was obsessive about keeping them scratch free ... he would not be very happy with me and the piles of discarded cd's stacked on spindle's around the office LOL

He had every dire straights cd available, and had them in this order that no one could ever touch or we would destroy the perfection!!
He would make us stand around and listen to the quality he had pumping out of his 'ghetto blaster' ...

this is about the time i knew i'd end up somewhere in computers ... because i wanted to get me one of those cd things ;-)))

I now look around my office ...
i have 6 computers & a laptop, with a wireless keyboard built in that you can remove and use from across the room ...
a digital camera, capable of printing to A3 size
a handheld that fits in my purse, with my life on it at the touch of a button which I can use to beam information back and forward from my cell phone, which is smaller than the palm of my hand

i have some parts from my uncle's first computer still around, its laughable and belongs in a museum! I wish he was still here to experience the amazing things that have happened in the 10 years since he passed away ... he was 26, and he probably could have been bill gates by now
nah, he would have invented something better than windows

the only time i really appreciate how far technology has come, is when I remember back to the things my uncle was excited to show me as a kid ... imagine if you pulled someone from the 80's into the 00's ... oh hang on, this movie has already been done ... and if i remember it was bad LOL

what other technology do you remember as a major turning point in your life?

11-22-2002, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by cj@Nov 22 2002, 09:24 AM
cd's kinda took over within this rediculously small period, rarely does anyone buy tapes, except for the car ... it doesnt' seem to be as much so in america? but very few new cars come without a cd player here ...

Shoot, I remember the pain when cassettes took over 8 tracks :cryin:

This last car I bought was the first one in years that didn't have a CD player AND a tape player. It's an in-dash 6 CD changer and supposedly you CAN still get the 1 CD player and cassette in the same car model. I think the truck I bought has a CD and tape player (though I've driven it once and it has 12K+ miles on it now, so what do I know......... :angry: )

I've just recently (with the loss of the cassette player) bought CD's to replace the cassettes I still listened to :bjump:

Almighty Colin
11-22-2002, 08:40 AM
Video games (Space Invaders, Asteroids first I remember)

Home video games (Intellivision}

VCR (Able to watch dad's bootleg copies of Star War 22 time as a kid)

World Wide Web )Thanks to Al Gore in some way, I'm sure!)

Cable Modem (I used to hate surfing at 14.4 so badly that I turned pics off in my browser at all time)

11-22-2002, 08:49 AM
My Dad was always into technology - we got Pong and Atari when they first came out, the first PC Junior (he worked for IBM at the time and he was "testing" it), and my Ex had the Commadore (sp) when it first came out. I think through the years we've had every PC and OS imaginable and every game system known to man. We've never had a Mac though :awinky:

11-22-2002, 09:22 AM
For me, I got the bug when my mom brought home a Timex Sinclair she got at a garage sale for 10 bucks back in I think it was 82 or 83. I set it up on my teeny little b&w TV and taught myself basic.....

10 print "hello world - I rock!"
20 goto 10


Almighty Colin
11-22-2002, 09:24 AM
Edd - I wrote the same first program as you in BASIC.

1. Tell it do something
2. Make it happen over and over again without me having to touch the keyboard again.

I used this same formula to master search engines in 1999.

Dianna Vesta
11-22-2002, 10:24 AM
Remember windows before the GUI interface? I do. I ran it on an old 286 IMB AT that cost 5000.00!!!!

11-22-2002, 12:06 PM
Not to age myself too much...

but, I remember going next door to the neighbors house to watch the first episode of the Flintstones "In Color". They were the first on the block to have a color television set :)

I remember my Mom coming home from night school (she was a teacher, working on her Master's at night) back about 1968... She was all excited and babbly, going on about how "one day...in the future, we would all have computers on our desks, and that they would all be connected together and sharing information"... what a crackpot she was :) (she died in '73, otherwise I would be waging the biggest copyright/patent fight you ever did see...although, she had gottn the idea at some lecture or another...don't know all the details, just remember her going on about it)

I remember the first calculators, had held big ass things, cost a bunch of money, wasn't but a couple of years or so before they only cost a few bucks.

Remember seeing my first "computer terminal", senior year of High School... It was hooked in to Hofstra University's computer... Big ass keyboard, you entered everything, sent ity and it printed out the results on a big teletype type printer...

Remember in the Navy, having some HP scientific calculator that would let you run a fairly simple program... Fucking thing cost 5-6 thousand dollars and they had it chained to the desk with a lock and key system. Also had a keypunch machine and card reader and such still.... (although we also, in 76 had the AN/UYK20 computer system, which is comparable to an IBM34..lots of things the government was ahead on, of course...our system had a 4B a year development budget)

After I got out of the Nav, first job, was on a burroughs terminal, biga ass keyboard, no screen.... blue OCK keys... You enetered the order...waited around, it printed it for you and you got to see if you got it right :)