View Full Version : Mcdonalds Is Getting Sued For Making People Fat

-= JR =-
11-22-2002, 07:41 AM
http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/11/21/fast.foo...t.ap/index.html (http://www.cnn.com/2002/LAW/11/21/fast.food.lawsuit.ap/index.html)

"The plaintiffs include a Bronx teen who ate every meal at McDonald's for three years while living in a homeless shelter. Another is a 13-year-old boy from Staten Island who says he ate at McDonald's food three to four times a week and is now 5-foot-4 and 278 pounds."
Is there anyone here that did not know that there is a correct and incorrect way to eat?

11-22-2002, 07:49 AM
You've gotta be kidding me! - this is too much.

I mean, WTF really - you would think people would have better things
to do with their time...like GO FOR A FRINKIN WALK!

Geez..."only in America"

11-22-2002, 07:54 AM
This lawsuit is simply one of the dumbest things I've ever seen....obviously eating fatty fast foods can contribute to weight problems, but farmers will be sued next for growing the beef under this logic.

The lawyer who brought it should be given a severe spanking by Dianna.

11-22-2002, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by Ambergirl@Nov 22 2002, 07:57 AM
You've gotta be kidding me! - this is too much.

I mean, WTF really - you would think people would have better things
to do with their time...like GO FOR A FRINKIN WALK!

Geez..."only in America"

if judge awards them anything,
I'll sue EVERYBODY and see what sticks

-= JR =-
11-22-2002, 08:04 AM
if they win, i am suing God for his obvious and admitted responsibility in directly or indirectly creating or otherwise allowing all things bad or unpleasant, which may have had a potentially negative impact on my quality of life, emotional well being, general state of happiness and sense of wellness.

Last edited by -= JR =- at Nov 22 2002, 08:13 AM

11-22-2002, 08:08 AM
Originally posted by -= JR =-@Nov 22 2002, 08:12 AM
if they win, i am suing God for his obvious and admitted responsibility in directly or indirectly creating or otherwise allowing all things bad or unpleasant, which may have had a potentially negative impact on my quality of life, emotional well being, general state of happiness and sense of wellness.
...and who's gonna pay if you win?

you'll get what we call in Russian
"Ot mertvogo osla ushi"

Dead Jackass' ears

11-22-2002, 08:09 AM
The McDonalds case where the woman sued over hot coffee in her lap has widely been cited as frivolous litigation....

HOWEVER, in that case, she was awarded $$ after evidence showed MCDonalds deliberately kept the coffee at near boiling, knew it posed a serious risk of burns if spilled, and that other people HAD been burned in the past, but kept it boiling hot anyway because they could use cheaper coffee (too hot to taste) and because the consumer would be less likely to ask for a refill if the rest of their party was done with their meal by the time the coffee cooled down enough to drink.

Burns are they type of thing a company can reasonably be expected to protect consumers against.

But to be held responsible for the frequency a teenagers visits to eat fast food....FRIVOLOUS!

11-22-2002, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by LadyLaw@Nov 22 2002, 09:17 AM
HOWEVER, in that case, she was awarded $$ after evidence showed MCDonalds deliberately kept the coffee at near boiling, knew it posed a serious risk of burns if spilled, and that other people HAD been burned in the past, but kept it boiling hot anyway because they could use cheaper coffee (too hot to taste) and because the consumer would be less likely to ask for a refill if the rest of their party was done with their meal by the time the coffee cooled down enough to drink.

I also read that she contacted them and just wanted her medical bills paid and they refused. Oops!

I'm suing my parents, God, and every restaurant and food manufacturer I can find the names of for my weight gain :rokk:

11-22-2002, 08:28 AM
Suing and perpetuating McDonalds myths is part of the fabric of America, as anybody who has been handed the wrong bag of burgers at the take-out window would attest to.

McDonalds take-out is like a blind date. You never know when you're gonna get fucked.

11-22-2002, 08:36 AM
Dokk baby, you made me laugh!

"McDonald's takeout is like a blind date...you never know when you're gonna get fucked!".

All takeout for that matter....

Hi Peaches!!

11-22-2002, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by LadyLaw@Nov 22 2002, 09:44 AM
Hi Peaches!!
Hi Susanne! :bwave: (how did we post before all these fun smilies??!!)

All this talk about food....I'm getting Thai takeout tomorrow in Atlanta to bring home - I've been thinking about it all week - now I'm REALLY hungry, hehehehehe

11-22-2002, 08:49 AM
Peaches, Thai is good.....enjoy! We had Vietnamese last night....very wonderful....if you come to visit we'll take you there.

I love the banana with the parade wave....or is that a Michael Jackson wave....with one glove?? Gotta love the waving banana...Mutt is a genuis.

Dianna Vesta
11-22-2002, 08:54 AM
I think that the homeless shelter should be responsible for how they care for kids and giving them Mickie D's every day.

This is bogus shit. It's like people suing tobacco companies for getting cancer. You decide what goes in your mouth.

-= JR =-
11-22-2002, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Dianna Vesta@Nov 22 2002, 09:02 AM
I think that the homeless shelter should be responsible for how they care for kids and giving them Mickie D's every day.

This is bogus shit. It's like people suing tobacco companies for getting cancer. You decide what goes in your mouth.
why should anyone sue for any reason?

why would a "homeless shelter" bear responsibility for anything?
they gave a kid a place to sleep.

i think its our legal system that is in dire need to change. not restaraunts or homeless shelters.

JR spoke... and the bananas rejoiced
:bdance: :bjump: :bdance: :bjump: