View Full Version : Rec. A Good Email $$$ Prog

11-21-2002, 06:53 PM
I'm trying to work out what email $$$ progam to use...it seems that there are dozens our there all claiming to be the best...but what do the rest of you think?
What email $$$ programs are you (webmasters) having good success with?

I don't want to hear from people that run these programs (pls take no offense)...I want to know how the average webmaster is doing with them....specially if you've used a few.

If you hit a pot of gold or have a horror story to tell please share as well.
What traffic do these programs work well with or suck with? :bwave:

11-21-2002, 07:21 PM
We have the best results with CEMag... you have to get used to the submitted-confirmed ratio but then, other programs don't show you how many people actually submitted their email address. The upsells and dialer $$$ are nice as well...

Mike AI
11-21-2002, 10:06 PM
WEG and Mr. Cash both do well.... :rokk:

11-21-2002, 11:18 PM
I am a little bias but I like WEG Cash!

11-22-2002, 02:42 AM
what that is it? only two webmasters have a good run with email $$$ progs?

tonda - is that green witch you? I was going to say somthing bad about your post but after looking at the photo I realised I want to get good use from my nuts in my future life....so I think I will spend a few minutes checking out weg cash. :zoinks:

Last edited by meatloaf at Nov 21 2002, 11:52 PM

11-22-2002, 01:20 PM
HE HE HE Meatloaf!

Yes that green witch is me:)

You better do more than check out WEG Cash. You better send me some traffic!

:::Begins the famous witch cackle:::

;) Let me know if you need any help! ICQ:61462417

Last edited by Tonda_WEGCash at Nov 22 2002, 01:29 PM