View Full Version : Jr, Wig You Might Finding This Amusing

11-20-2002, 05:39 PM
You stated that for many, after buying the stock, it becomes a part of their lives.
In actuality, it goes beyond this; for some it is like politics and/or religion; a particular stock actually becomes a part of them. This is why when one attacks their choice, it is the same thing as an attack on them- their judgment (which embraces logic and intelligence). Of course, if someone has strong convictions against a stock, to attack those convictions is an attack on the person holding them. He or she feels there are sufficient grounds to make the decision, and in both cases, nobody wants to be "proven" wrong. Criticism is bad enough- who in the world really welcomes "constructive" criticism? Now, add a bit of sarcasm or whatever to the criticism and you can get a real "blood feud" going. Ego vs ego can be ugly.

A "pet stock" can be one's undoing. Being "loyal" to a stock can be foolishness, indeed. A stock is not God, family, country or friend; what it is is a financial vehicle that is supposed to make someone money. One is not a "traitor" to "jump ship" if he feels that the stock won't produce what he needs.

It is unfair for people holding a stock to feel betrayed if someone believes he needs to sell, even if it is a thinly -traded penny stock that can easily go down. People who don't go in on a joint venture have no right to judge those (strangers or even friends) who make decisions that might conflict with their own. One problem with these boards is that sometimes those who have been on a particular one for a long time tend to bond, and feel ill-used if some of their fellow-boardies opt out. This gives rise to changing of nicks and returning to explain why they believe people should sell; they don't dare identify themselves as former "pals". Of course those who change their minds and return as board nasty bashers are not acting appropriately, certainly.

11-20-2002, 07:09 PM
Yes, that is amusing. I have to admit I did not follow all of it.. or at least not in its progression. I got lost on the last part.

Something about the counter intuitiveness of life and markets, falling in love with one's position, ego, pain, betrayal and finally board reincarnation. :blink:

Who wrote this and where was it posted?

Man, I have one of the busiest days I can remember. What did I miss?

11-20-2002, 07:30 PM
You must have been so busy you forgot to pre-thank me for being about ready to sign up for WTS. I'm launching the brand new VolumeBrokers program in a few more days, so pucker your asshole and hold on tight, we need a new check processor. :awinky:

How long does it take to get set up if you're a pinko commie Oprano poster vs. a normal webmaster?


11-20-2002, 07:33 PM
Its from a financial message board like Raging Bull or Yahoo. That will make the last paragraph make a little more sense.

Those boards are diseased!!! If you really want to get mind-fucked on a stock position, go there and your tru personality will come out. You either entrench yourself in your original position and only absorb posts that back up your opinion.... OR you go in their waffling and posts on the other side of your position scare the shit out of you and you vacate your position!!

I've done both when I was starting out and before I got onto technical analysis. I never visit them anymore.


11-20-2002, 07:41 PM
Cal, we'll get you set up quick. :)

It depends on your situation, what you want to do, and if you require anything custom. Couple days max. If all is complete on service agreement, we can do our end in the same day as we receive contract.

hit me up on ICQ 975830 and we can discuss.

Monk, that makes more sense. poor bastards. I always said that if you have to ask someone else what they think, your trade is wrong. :D

11-20-2002, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by wig@Nov 20 2002, 07:17 PM
Who wrote this and where was it posted?

http://ragingbull.lycos.com/mboard/boards....DCC&read=146310 (http://ragingbull.lycos.com/mboard/boards.cgi?board=IDCC&read=146310)

one of the investment boards I hang out

11-20-2002, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Monk@Nov 20 2002, 07:41 PM
Its from a financial message board like Raging Bull or Yahoo. That will make the last paragraph make a little more sense.

Those boards are diseased!!! If you really want to get mind-fucked on a stock position, go there and your tru personality will come out. You either entrench yourself in your original position and only absorb posts that back up your opinion.... OR you go in their waffling and posts on the other side of your position scare the shit out of you and you vacate your position!!

I've done both when I was starting out and before I got onto technical analysis. I never visit them anymore.

I don't post on them,
but still like to make fun of morons from time to time

-= JR =-
11-21-2002, 01:49 AM
Those boards are diseased!!! If you really want to get mind-fucked on a stock position, go there and your tru personality will come out. You either entrench yourself in your original position and only absorb posts that back up your opinion.... OR you go in their waffling and posts on the other side of your position scare the shit out of you and you vacate your position!!

i think that the increased speed and access to information via the Internet and the ability of every moron to keep his finger on the pulse of every other moron 24/7 is not really a good thing for financial markets.