View Full Version : Checks Vs Credit Cards

11-15-2002, 10:23 AM
Morning Oprano!

I've posted this before, but I thought maybe some of you who are interested in how ACH compares to credit cards might like to see it.


Almighty Colin
11-15-2002, 10:37 AM
Any numbers on how much better retention on checks is compared to cc's?

11-15-2002, 10:51 AM

I guess it depends on the merchant. I have no data on credit card retention, so I can only report what has been told to me by merchants, which is:

on the bulk of transactions the concensus is 1-2 months more.

then there are the recurrings that last for years, which they say occur far more with checks than with credit cards.

Maybe a few merchants can offer their experience.

11-15-2002, 11:04 AM
I can!
I know that on PsychicWeb.com, checks recur on average 3-5 weeks LONGER than CC transactions!

Plus! I can tell you that WTS has merchants with members that are STILL being billed after almost 4 years! ;-)))

Gotta love it!

Recur 'em LONGER! (http://achdebit.com)

Dianna Vesta
11-15-2002, 11:30 AM
Wig you should also post that in the Newbie section.

11-15-2002, 11:47 AM

Good idea. Consider it done. :)