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View Full Version : Crisis In Ethiopia

11-11-2002, 06:35 PM
I can't understand this. Ethiopia lost 1 million people in 1984 from
famine. I don't mean to sound cruel, but you would think that people
would stop having kids if they cannot feed and take care of them. Now they say they could lose 10 to 14 million people if aid is not givin soon.

What a Shame!!!

11-11-2002, 07:30 PM
I was reading some list of the greatest death tolls in history and the Chinese famine was something like 75+ million deaths. It's wild to think that every year hundreds of thousands along the Yangtze River die just from the flooding alone, and China doesn't have the money or the personnel to fix the problem.

There are other countries where a third of the population has HIV, or the life expectancy is still under 40. Going to take time to fix these things, sadly.


11-11-2002, 09:19 PM
According to Mao, CHina has a billion people
they can afford to loose few hunder thousand or few million a year.

When will we see a femine or a great flood in Saudi Arabia ? that would be a real problem solver.

11-11-2002, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by slavdogg@Nov 11 2002, 09:27 PM
When will we see a femine or a great flood in Saudi Arabia ? that would be a real problem solver.
Hopefully, the U.S. governemnt is working on some kind of weather control device it will be able to use in war.

If the U.S. isn't doing it, I am sure our Canadian governemnt is all over it.


Mike AI
11-11-2002, 09:45 PM
Monk that is a good idea, I know the US is working on lots of devices that are non lethal.... like giant microwave weapons.

The Candians woudl be working on weather machine so they can grow more pot, and maybe warm the place up in the winter eh? :lol:

A bright side about the Ethiopia crisis, is that we can bring back all the classic ethopian jokes.....

What do you call ventian blinds in Ethiopia?

Bunk Beds.

HAHAHA :lol:

Not something to laugh about..... I know.

11-11-2002, 09:54 PM
Just try to think of the whole thing as mother nature doing a little house cleaning ... thats all ;-)

and dont' get me started on the ethiopian jokes haha!
What's so good about an Ethiopian blow job?

You know she'll swallow.

Last edited by MikeW at Nov 11 2002, 11:02 PM

11-11-2002, 10:00 PM

you guys are horrible.


11-11-2002, 10:26 PM
What do you call an Ethiopian with a yeast infection .........

Quarter Pounder With Cheese

since bad old jokes were mentioned

Don't stop me if you've heard this one
Christ walks into a inn with 3 nails in his hand and says ....."Can you put me up for the night"

What the difference between a black velvet Elvis and Christ .......
Only takes one nail to hang Elvis

Now you know why vaudeville died

11-11-2002, 10:30 PM
haha, geez, ya ever wish you could take back a post?

11-11-2002, 10:52 PM
You know I gave this thread about 12 seconds of thought and .....
Who cares about Ethiopians

They can't buy porn on line, they keep having famines and they keep reproducing

Um natural selection in process here

I mean there are very important issues in the world that need to be addressed
What really burns my ass (besides a fire about 3 feet high) ....


I mean what is going on with male cheerleaders
Pro Football, it's a sacred hallowed tradition
I want, no demand to see hot babes on the sidelines shaking their pop poms!!! - (I despise Coors Light but their NFL commercials are spot on)

Not some rooty, tooty, fresh and fruity guys with a big megaphone

There were male cheerleaders on the sidelines at the Raven's game yesterday

I'm fucking appalled - now that is something there should be a live aid benefit about

the concert to prevent male cheerleaders in the NFL -
raise money for testosterone injections for anyone male who thinks male cheerleaders have a place in the NFL

Maybe get Boy George and George Michaels to do the benefit concert - that should scare some sense into the general public

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

11-11-2002, 10:55 PM

As cold hearted as your post seems, I guess I have
ice water in my veins too and couldnt agree more.


11-11-2002, 10:58 PM
Cold hearted??!! - I'm fucking serious about the male cheerleaders in the NFL :steemed:

11-11-2002, 11:06 PM
Not sure whether I should laugh or cry at that post.


11-11-2002, 11:08 PM
Give 'em hell Vick!!

:devil: :devil::devil::devil::devil:

11-11-2002, 11:11 PM
Vick, are you serious, which team has male cheerleaders?
I havent seen any.
Then again, IM not looking at the guys.


11-11-2002, 11:12 PM
Anyone need Ethiopian traffic?

I have the emails of both of them ;)

11-11-2002, 11:20 PM
Cal - laugh, cry , have a fucking cheese whiz fondue party about that fucking post but

I don't believe in protesting but if I did I'd be outside Raven's Stadium at the next home game with a big fucking sign

as much as it pains me to admit - the Raven's have male cheerleaders
I have a sneaking suspension that other teams may also but in the name of all that is sacred TV has rightfully so kept them off the screen

Nick it doesn't matter if you have both Ethiopian addresses - I don't think they have credit cards

11-11-2002, 11:28 PM
Let's look at the natural order of things in life

Ethiopians die in famines, it's a natural occurrence and not a whole lot we can do about it - even if we wanted to - helping has been tried before, it didn't work

It an abomination, it's a sin against mankind and all that is scared

Would you eat a fucking tofu burger at a tailgate party?
Would you drink a mimosa at a tailgate party?

Fuck no

They why accept male cheerleaders in the NFL

Think sphere of influence - you can't do anything for the quarter pounders with cheese in Ethiopia but you can stop male cheerleaders in the NFL before it's too late

:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

11-11-2002, 11:30 PM
I always liked the Sam Kinison bit about Ethiopia.....wtf are we sending them food for? Send them uhauls and move them to where the food is. Seems pretty freaking simple to me.

Vick, admit it, you would love to be a male cheerleader. Just think about the upskirt possibilities. :yowsa:

11-11-2002, 11:36 PM
Ulfie - NO NO NO
those guys have a fucking megaphone
It's too phallic and just fucking wrong

I want football, I want pit beef to eat, I want beer and I want hot babes on the sidelines shaking their pom poms - life as it should be - and damn fine at that - the American way!!

True story - at the game yesterday - my wife says "What are you thinking about (why do women ask that fucking question, they never really want to know the answer)?

I said -"About how those cheerleaders would look naked? You know they really should be naked on the sidelines :inlove: "

She said "too much jiggling going on for nudity"

At that point I decided not to answer :agrin:

11-11-2002, 11:47 PM

Much better than my standard answer of huh? What? I don't know, here's the credit card, go knock yourself out. :rolleyes:

11-11-2002, 11:51 PM
Vick, check your BP.

Just think, before long, they will have a Sports Illustrated
NFL Male Cheerleader Calender.


11-11-2002, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by voodooman@Nov 11 2002, 11:59 PM
Vick, check your BP.

Just think, before long, they will have a Sports Illustrated
NFL Male Cheerleader Calender.

Voodooman, if that happens I will hunt you down myself and kill you. :grrr:

11-12-2002, 12:01 AM
Just think, before long, they will have a Sports Illustrated
NFL Male Cheerleader Calender.

I'm a little concerned about them wearing those short skirts and...shall we say, "hangage"! Then again, it might be fun to see how many men have enough "hangage" to see :yowsa:

Mike AI
11-12-2002, 01:37 AM
Male Cheerleaders for NFL = GAY! :butt: :matey:

Thanks for helping keep things in perspective Vick! :blink:

Almighty Colin
11-12-2002, 04:01 AM
A. Ethiopia need less people. They need more raindancers.

B. If you get enough people some of them will be raindancers.

Last edited by Colin at Nov 12 2002, 06:25 AM

11-12-2002, 05:30 AM
Another famine coming...what's the name of Mugabe's country? Maybe it IS Ethiopia. I don't know; but he turned 'the breadbasket of Africa' into another famine country.

Mike AI
11-12-2002, 10:06 AM
Torone you are right about Ethiopia.... the majority of their problems ( and most of those in Africa) are man made.

What do you call an Ethiopian with a big afro?


11-12-2002, 10:47 AM
Hey everyone....good morning!

Vick, I agree male cheerleaders are just wrong....

Who can survive on a dead beatle?

Only an Ethiopian and Yoko Ono

11-12-2002, 10:59 AM
Thanks for helping keep things in perspective Vick!

Damn skippy!

The hallowed traditions of the NFL are far more important

Hey LL - hope you and Serge had an excellent vacation - good Ethiopian joke

Coming up soon (you've been warned) -
My next rant - why alarm clocks should be illegal