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View Full Version : Thanx Oprano

11-11-2002, 05:32 PM
Wanted to say again.....

Thanx Oprano :) Serge, MikeAI, Mutt and anyone else involved in the , etc....

XBox got here today... Thanx Max Cash :)

DVD Player got here Friday.... Thanx Webinc:)

Downloaded my content club content over the weekend :) Thanx Content Club

Have been in touch with Iturnkeys, they are now waiting on me... Thanx Iturnkeys

Have my order in with onelick... Thanx Onelick

Have been in touch with Sharky at AAAadultdesign... He is now waiting on me... Thanx Sharky

I think that is all of them... If I missed any, sorry...this whole winning thing is very new to me :) I am quite whelmed by it all.

Oprano.... you rock !!!!

Mike AI
11-11-2002, 05:40 PM
Sarettah, thank you. You did a great job on your picks...

Maybe you can toss out some secrets.

MaxCash, Web Inc, Sharky, Iturnkey, Oneclick, Content Club ARE THE BEST!!! :wnw: :wnw:

11-11-2002, 05:43 PM
You're welcome Sarettah!

That's a killer prize package. ESPN gives shitty prizes and people wait forever to get them. Not with Oprano sponsors! Todd and RichC from MaxCash email me before I even know who won!! Ron from OneLick, DiamondJim from ITurnkeys, Sharky from AAA ADULT DESIGN, JMM from Content Club, Lee from Clutch Content, Jonas from Zooted.com, Pornoman from SexyAVS, SitePass, Vick from Cloud 9 Cash, all :rokk:

So don't miss playing CandidCam Pickem this week. New picksheet goes up Thursday morning as always.

And don't forget CandidCam Content and Hosting AND WEGCASH for being our title sponsors and allowing us to have such nice prizes!!



11-11-2002, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Nov 11 2002, 05:48 PM
Maybe you can toss out some secrets.

Heres the secret....

The random button :)

Yes, I forgot candidcam and wegcash...

Thanx :)

RichC...If you see this..thanx.... I have tried to send you an email twice...looks like it went through, but then after I shut down my mail..Norton is coming up and saying my server rejected me (It is my local server, so unlikely)..But if you dont get the email...

THANX !! :)

11-11-2002, 07:33 PM
congrats Sarettah! :rokk:

but i don't think i'll ever get my PS2... :boohoo:

11-11-2002, 08:34 PM
Hey sarettah, your welcome man. Have fun with it! :)


Mike AI
11-11-2002, 10:47 PM
Hey Rich, I e-mailed with Bob today... He says MaxCash has been tweaking some things out and conversions are improving draticly.... this is good to hear!!

Keep us all up to date with those issues!! We all love MaxCash! :rokk:

11-12-2002, 12:25 AM
Hey Mike, What Bob says is very true :yowsa:

Who won this weeks pickem? diamondsux?

Almighty Colin
11-12-2002, 06:28 AM
" Soon many of you webmasters wont be paid Cash, you will be paid prizes. "
- Alien


11-12-2002, 06:41 AM
He says MaxCash has been tweaking some things out and conversions are improving draticly.... this is good to hear!!

yes something seems to be different lately ... 1/200 instead of constant 1/800

have heard the same from lots of webmasters

whatever your doing MC, keep doing it!! ;-)

Mike AI
11-12-2002, 10:04 AM
Colin, that is still a GREAT pearl...

I miss the pearls, we need more of them.... we need to inspire pearl making!! :D