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11-10-2002, 05:57 PM
arrrgh................. how dumb can these people be. i just got the email that this chick is rejecting a fantastic offer. i'm not that pissed for me, would have been a grand a month for me, it's just i hate when people won't listen to facts and common sense.

so instead of making 100 k a year for doing one day a week of work she will make probably 10 thousand.

Last edited by Mutt at Nov 11 2002, 10:39 AM

11-10-2002, 06:00 PM

thats why they are pornstars.

11-10-2002, 06:06 PM
i know, i've been told that they are impossible to talk rationally with.

oh well, i sent her an email and told her to watch the size of her monthly checks and if she wants to later maybe the offer will still be there, maybe not.

11-10-2002, 06:14 PM

Does this sound familiar? why make trillions when I could make,,,

They dont do it for the money you know. :P

11-10-2002, 06:51 PM
Maybe they just don't trust men. I know that I don't…

11-10-2002, 06:56 PM

Thanks for the laugh Cleo.

Statistics show, women are more dishonest than men are, and
out cheat men 3 to 1.


11-10-2002, 07:27 PM
Mutt ... send her to me, I'll give her $10K a year just to stand here and look pretty .. that and any other jobs 'under the desk' I can find for her to do

:rokk: :rokk: :rokk:

Mike AI
11-10-2002, 07:28 PM
Cleo you do not trust anyone.... and I really do not blame you for everything you have been through.

But of course, the real peson to question is the person who put you in all of those situations.... find a mirror and you may find that person. :rolleyes:

11-11-2002, 12:20 AM
Cleo: I was going to say that my experience with pornstars has been that they are so used to men trying to talk their way into situations with them that maybe they don't know a reasonable one when they see one. So I agree with what you said.

MikeAI: New Statement of the Year award goes to you for the mirror comment. Deepak aint got nuthin on ya baby!

11-11-2002, 12:37 AM
Statistics show, women are more dishonest than men are, and
out cheat men 3 to 1.

no no no no no no no

not MORE dishonest, just BETTER AT IT.

Men are transparent and their lies are so easy to catch, women have become used to manipulating to get what they want and THAT'S why women are better liars and get away with cheating more often ;-)

Most of the lies women tell are the ones men want to hear ...

11-11-2002, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by cj@Nov 10 2002, 09:45 PM
Statistics show, women are more dishonest than men are, and
out cheat men 3 to 1.

no no no no no no no

not MORE dishonest, just BETTER AT IT.

Men are transparent and their lies are so easy to catch, women have become used to manipulating to get what they want and THAT'S why women are better liars and get away with cheating more often ;-)

Most of the lies women tell are the ones men want to hear ...
Ya'll gotta learn the fine art of swinging... =] When your woman is given your blessing to be with anyone she wants it eliminates the need to lie or cheat. Plus you get the fun of watching her in action and joining in sometimes. WOOHOO!

Gee I wonder how I EVER got into porn?

Last edited by MarkTiarra at Nov 10 2002, 09:47 PM

11-11-2002, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by MarkTiarra@Nov 11 2002, 12:28 AM
Cleo: I was going to say that my experience with pornstars has been that they are so used to men trying to talk their way into situations with them that maybe they don't know a reasonable one when they see one. So I agree with what you said.

Exactly...every man that has a camera, a computer and a stolen copy of Photoshop thinks they are a pornographer...that's why we never shoot strippers....they get hit on by everyone....besides the flake factor......

Mike AI
11-11-2002, 08:30 AM
Mark Tierra, I did not know you were so freaky! :yowsa:

Shooting nude models is a challenge, while we shoot strippers, we do not like the stripper look. IT is still a challenge... major flake factor, and they have been told every story in the book. Most guys are just trying to get into their panties...

IT is funny though, most strippers I first meet always tell me they are studying pre-law, or pre-medicine at the local commuinity colleges... :lol:

Thing is, over all, I love strippers... always have, alway will. I need a good 12 step program to help me with this!

11-11-2002, 09:26 AM
Originally posted by Mike AI@Nov 11 2002, 08:38 AM
I need a good 12 step program to help me with this!
Your in one right now ... its called marriage ;-))))

11-11-2002, 09:34 AM
I know a smart one who runs her own million dollar company
is mainstream
ask 10 guys on the street who Jenna J is
6 will know
chicks love her
2 book deal
Britney loves her
Jenna is bright

clubjenna party jan 8 internext
send me traffic

11-11-2002, 09:36 AM
meni, jenna is an exception to the rule, she's as big as it gets.

she's still not real bright though


Dianna Vesta
11-11-2002, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by cj@Nov 11 2002, 12:45 AM

Men are transparent and their lies are so easy to catch, women have become used to manipulating to get what they want and THAT'S why women are better liars and get away with cheating more often ;-)

Most of the lies women tell are the ones men want to hear ...
Ain't that the truth?

Face it.

Cleo- everyone has been had in biz. I know I have but I'm also a lot smarter. This doesn't mean I'll stop taking risk and chances. It means I'm more prepared to get fuck in the event I do. It doesn't bother me as bad.

It is true tho...most models I talk to are a lot more leary then they were a few years ago.

11-11-2002, 09:48 AM
the topic said "Pornstars Are So Retarded "

Ok I'll bite ....

How retarded are they ........

11-11-2002, 10:16 AM
retarded is when a person can't figure out 25% of 500,000 dollars is 125,000 and 60% of ZERO dollars is ZERO.

i might be exaggerating the zero but it won't be that much more than that i guarantee.

11-11-2002, 10:28 AM
I'll tell you how retarded Pornstars are......

I bought Huoston a little Belly Ring (platinum with diamonds all over it) it was in the shape of an "H" for her namesake........

The backing broke while she was dancing somewhere and she was inconsolable.
So I get a frantic call that she lost the backing of her belly ring and needs a new one for her "H" ASAP

I tell her to call the jeweler in Beverly Hills where I got it for her, he tells her to send the "H" in a REGISTERED envelope and he'll take care of it.

So, what does Miss Houston do?

She puts the "H" in a plain, white, envelope and writes "REGISTER" on the back of it.

Believe it or not, the "H" made it to beverly Hills from the valley however, I still cannot lice the event down...

Other than her begginf me to send a "Deceased and assist" to spmeone using her content online

I said "what you wanna kill them and then help them?"

She didn't get it....

and now she don't get IT anymore :nyanya:

11-11-2002, 10:36 AM

That is some funny shit. :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

How you been, man?

11-11-2002, 11:01 AM
I have been good my man, just very busy...

Wish I could send some check processing your way, however ain't running across many that need right now in my everyday duties...

The above was a true story , plucked from the pages of my porn memoirs...hope you enjoyed that- there are many more notes I'd like to post on the topic of dumb pornstars

But I'll be gracious for now :ph34r:

11-11-2002, 11:04 AM
Yeah, I bet you have some good stories. :P

The "Deceased and assist" was too much. I about shit down both legs when I read that. :yowsa:

11-11-2002, 11:17 AM
CJ do you know Jenna personally?
how can you comment on her then
"she's still not real bright though"
When you reach the peak of your industry and become an icon
let me know

I'm waiting

11-11-2002, 11:30 AM
Hey Luke/DUC

don't put words in my mouth. the picture of Aurora was included because it was a pic i just got in and it matched the frustration I was feeling.
Aurora Snow hasn't rejected anything I've offered.

If i thought anybody would put the girl in the photo together with 'pornstars are retarded' i wouldn't have posted it.

11-11-2002, 11:34 AM
Hey Luke/DUC
don't put words in my mouth.

Ah, but Mutt, copying everything verbatim gets old after awhile :rolleyes: It never ceases to amaze me that Luke Ford thinks he's a writer, lol!

When you reach the peak of your industry and become an icon
let me know
I'm waiting

Uh, Meni - from what I know, cj accomplished this a few years ago - you can save that valuable waiting time! :)

11-11-2002, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by KBpimps@Nov 11 2002, 10:36 AM
I'll tell you how retarded Pornstars are......

I bought Huoston a little Belly Ring (platinum with diamonds all over it) it was in the shape of an "H" for her namesake........

The backing broke while she was dancing somewhere and she was inconsolable.
So I get a frantic call that she lost the backing of her belly ring and needs a new one for her "H" ASAP

I tell her to call the jeweler in Beverly Hills where I got it for her, he tells her to send the "H" in a REGISTERED envelope and he'll take care of it.

So, what does Miss Houston do?

She puts the "H" in a plain, white, envelope and writes "REGISTER" on the back of it.

Believe it or not, the "H" made it to beverly Hills from the valley however, I still cannot lice the event down...

Other than her begginf me to send a "Deceased and assist" to spmeone using her content online

I said "what you wanna kill them and then help them?"

She didn't get it....

and now she don't get IT anymore :nyanya:
Oh my word. "Registered" I get - long ago I had a secretary who went to format some floppies and formatted the C: drive - THREE different times.

But "Deceased and assist." Wow. That's impressive.

11-11-2002, 12:03 PM
jenna's got some smarts.

still no explanation about this new Pornstarbucks program, doesn't seem anything different than what she was running on her own.

11-11-2002, 12:05 PM
I personnally think that pornstars look at things in the short term...probably why they are pornstars. Instead of thinking "This video of me getting gang banged will be around for ever" they think "fuck it easy $$$$ here".

THe girl that runs this escort agency who is an ex-pornstar rung me up in tears begging me to take her content down Claire Margassons Escort Agency (http://www.carmenssecrets.com)

I thought yeah fuck it I will it is old and she had just got married and her husband had freaked out when his mates kept winding him up about it...Then when I saw her email address as being that from the Escort agency I thought bollocks...it is ok for you to sell girls to rich blokes to fuck all night but not for you to do it....So I let the Claire Margarson anal with Sean Michaels pictures out as free content to my affiliates.....


This smilies rock :rokk:

Almighty Colin
11-11-2002, 12:06 PM
Break it down to how much coke she can buy.

Speak slowly.

11-11-2002, 12:11 PM
Oh another great retort from the Mrs. as well had to be when she looked upon my then work companion PAT G at HerbalO and said to him

"You know Pat, I didn't have to sleep my way to the top to become this big a pornstar..most of it was HOWARD STERN press...."


let's do the math.

you make over 200 films....

then you bang 620 in ONE DAY to set the gangbang record.....

you are listed on escort sites for $25,000 a night

but you didn't make your name by SLEEPING your way to the top?

Just banging them I guess :grrr:

11-11-2002, 12:14 PM
:rokk: <--------------- world's greatest smilie

i wish the guy would get off his ass and make some more.


11-11-2002, 12:16 PM
from what you say KB there wasn't much "sleeping" going on
Maybe that's what she meant?

11-11-2002, 12:25 PM
"still no explanation about this new Pornstarbucks program, doesn't seem anything different than what she was running on her own. "

...maybe the new program actually pays the money they owe.


11-11-2002, 03:12 PM
Monk you wanna tell me, your account number and how much is owed


Mutt, new proggie is 60% recurring all our sites, 1 place, with popup offering our sister sites and you get credit on those sales too.

And guys, you think Jenna thinks up the program? I think she's busy doing her end for content, dancing, shooting, being jenna.
If you wanna know about the program or have a problem
talk to me guys

As I said before JJ is the ICON in the biz
like it or not
no one comes CLOSE to her

11-11-2002, 07:24 PM
It doesn't take a pornstar to be retarded....

I worked for a while for a liquor distributor as data processing manager,
here in Kansas City...

One day, I was in the files (actual paper files, not computer type) and came across a letter to a customer from the "Credit Manager"...

I start reading and right there in the subject line is:

"Your account is in the rears"

I laughed my ass off until I found out that this was her standard form letter to send to delinquent accounts and it had been in use for several years. Approved by the owners...

too funny.

11-11-2002, 07:48 PM

Did you work at United Beverage?
Had a friend that worked at UB.

11-11-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by voodooman@Nov 11 2002, 07:56 PM
Did you work at United Beverage?
Had a friend that worked at UB.
Nopers... Sorry Voodooman... Not United Beverage... Worked for "Superior", dont even know if they are around anymore....

11-11-2002, 11:20 PM
retarded is when a person can't figure out 25% of 500,000 dollars is 125,000

You offered her 25%!!!!

Are you outta your mind!!!
