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11-08-2002, 06:23 PM

Here goes... I've created a cool little porn browser called Sneakie (http://www.Sneakie.com). It allows users to capture any picture they see on the Web to a database of pics (called a "Sneakie" file) with one mouse click.

Users can load pics from their HDD as well. Pics can be viewed anytime - (online or off, work or home, etc.). Searches can be saved, too (if youre' on pic 2,003 of 47,000 on Google, you can go back to pic 2,003 with a single click). Users can create as many Sneakie files as they wish. However, when they create them, they can ONLY be viewed on their copy of Sneakie (so users cannot rip-off content - just enjoy it on their copy).

Sneakie combines a picture viewer, picture capture utility, web browser, and database in one slick little program. Webmasters and content owners can create commercial "Sneakie" files full of content they can sell or give away as premiums (viewable on ANY Sneakie installation). Can create themed files as well.

My question is this: Would anyone here like to create Sneakie files for free? I need some "real-life" webmasters and testers, and will provide folks who want to test this with a free copy of Sneakie and great support just to get their feedback. No gimmicks, just free stuff for feedback.

Not trying to flog this - just need to find some folks who have time to check out something (we think) may be a cool little wrinke in the porn marketplace! My site has more info...


Sneakie (http://www.sneakie.com)

11-08-2002, 06:25 PM
hmmm My guess is,

Your idea won't go over to well in this community, but I could be wrong.

11-08-2002, 06:28 PM
Automated capture sucks... that means iamges without ads... means images without income. Bandwidth used without any chance of payment.

SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA. Match it up with Timon's great idea and you can download pics from sites with the banners overwritten.


11-08-2002, 06:33 PM
I like your idea, even though you probably won't make much money with it,
but I personally can use it.

How much do you wanna charge for it?

11-08-2002, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by RawAlex@Nov 8 2002, 06:36 PM
Automated capture sucks... that means iamges without ads... means images without income. Bandwidth used without any chance of payment.

SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA. Match it up with Timon's great idea and you can download pics from sites with the banners overwritten.

Raw Alex, don't be scared,
people with innovative ideas will inherit the Earth,
and if you see this ides as a thrreat to your income-
hey, there are lots of other ways of making money in the World!

OFFER something unique,
like MY ass for example, and you have it made

...and offer it for members only

11-08-2002, 06:46 PM

So your saying its public access right now???


11-08-2002, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by voodooman@Nov 8 2002, 06:54 PM

So your saying its public access right now???

TRY puting YOUR ass instead of some stupid movie next time in your avatar and see what happens!

you are way to sceptical, my friend!

11-08-2002, 06:56 PM

Hmmm, ok, Ill do it.

give me a few.

btw my avatar is no movie.


11-08-2002, 06:59 PM
Here ya go Serge,



11-08-2002, 11:17 PM
why attack this guy? i've seen guys with software that does hurt webmasters but this guy's doesn't seem to do that.

i haven't looked at it yet but his description of it sounds like a cool thing. People can collect pictures with it, they have to visit the sites and see the ads to 'collect' the pictures. Where's the harm?

11-08-2002, 11:22 PM
I was attacking Serge.


11-08-2002, 11:23 PM
voodoo i was directing my comment to RawAlex. :rokk:

11-09-2002, 12:51 AM
Hmm - you know, I almost fed his post to spambot when I read it.... guess i'll leave it since its gotten some replies... but the bot is hungry... :zoinks:

11-09-2002, 03:20 AM
Mutt, "Sneakie combines a picture viewer, picture capture utility, web browser, and database in one slick little program"

Ummm, picture capture utility... automated? Content can be viewed offline. The content, minus the banners, ads, text links, etc.

I don't want to teach AOLers how to save a picture and view it on their systems... I want them coming back again and again, so I can talk them into PAYING for porn.

Anything that allows a surfer to view only pics and not the banners (my banners, not Timon's) has little use in making me money.

Show me where there is anything but lost money here, and I would look twice.


-= JR =-
11-09-2002, 03:56 AM
business is business. you cant stop people trying to do what this browser does any more than you will stop MP3's, P2P networks or anything else. thats just a fact of life and a fact of porn.

each second spent fighting it or worrying or feeling threatened about it is a second lost that could be spent preparing.

Business evolves. markets evolve. demands shift. prices change. products evolve etc etc etc....

whoever it was that told the adult porn community that "money will always be easy, you will never need talent... you will never need more than two HTML tutorials and a few stolen pics and all your dreams will come true" was probably wrong.

In fact, all businesses grow, change and evolve and one eternal truth about a free market... is that only the strong will survive. New threats and challenges will arise everyday. anyones continued success will be determined by how well you meet those challenges. So will. Some will thrive and overcome all adversity... the rest will be those pissing and moaning about how they would have done great if "xxxxx would not have fucked them over"

one of the most ignorant things i have seen in my life is pornographers teaching people to find free porn... building empires on free porn... then lamenting the existence of free porn. people collectively set two locomotives on a collision course, then were surprised at the enevitable collision.

11-09-2002, 03:56 AM
why attack this guy? i've seen guys with software that does hurt webmasters but this guy's doesn't seem to do that.

i haven't looked at it yet but his description of it sounds like a cool thing. People can collect pictures with it, they have to visit the sites and see the ads to 'collect' the pictures. Where's the harm?

mutt, are you serious?!?!?

I'm sure this will be a very popular tool with surfers, it will work great with tgp's ... hell lets just do away with paysites! what the hell do we need those for?!?!

this software reminds me of the programs that allow a surfer to zip and download an entire members area from a paysite ... only its got a better interface.

11-09-2002, 04:45 AM
i didn't look at it closely. but it sounds like a way to just save pics as you're looking at them and maybe categorize them.
many paysites actually do zip up their photosets for members to download them.

well it's not a tool that helps anybody make money but it's not half as bad as others i've seen.

i'll have to go look at it. i was just assuming that RawAlex thought it was one of those pieces of software like the one StiffyCash owns and promotes.

maybe it is, i'll have to check it out more closely.

11-09-2002, 06:29 AM
Soaking up the discussion (above) of the revenue model...

We actually saw two potential revenue models. The first is obvious (sell the software). The second was less obvious and it fell out of the following question:

"How can we create additional revenue/value from a content owner's (CO) current content?"

Our intent in this project was to generate revenue for both the CO and little 'ole us. Ergo, our initial design spec mandated a prohibition against the user being able to create a Sneakie file, then give it away or sell it. Otherwise, Sneakie would douche the CO.

However, more to the point...

We've have created a second (FREE) version of Sneakie (the Sneakie Viewer) which EXCLUDES the Web capture feature, and simply allows users to view and modify the Sneakie files they purchase from CO's.

This anticipated revenue model looks like this:

1. CO creates a Sneakie file (say "hot blondes # 24, or Smoking Elderly Asian Amputees with a White Donkey")
2. CO buys a license pack from us (they come in 100-license increments).
3. CO expends 1 license for each picture in the Sneakie file when he/she finalizes it and converts it to a commercial file using Sneakie Publisher (a little utility). This one-time fee is how I make money.
4. CO sells the Sneakie file on their site, emails it on a regular basis to subscribers (subscription based), creates Sneakie specific libraries, or monetizes it in a multitude of other ways. They sell it a million times...

We all know that the current revenue model mandates and monetizes browsing. However, people are more and more busy. And, we believe they WILL pay for the convenience of seeing exactly what they want, where they want it, when they want to see it.

How much farther can the browsing revenue model stretch?

Browsing is a pain in the ass and it's time consuming - separating the wheat from the chaff. And, it can't happen at the office or in front of the kids/spouse. However, very tightly themed Sneakie files ("Smoking Elderly Asian Amputees with a White Donkey") can be viewed anywhere *discreetly*, without leaving loads of jpegs and browser history all over the place.

Sneakie is really just a new/different way to look at monetizing content delivery.

Sneakie (http://www.sneakie.com)

Dianna Vesta
11-09-2002, 06:39 AM
I don't really understand the way all this works in details but from a marketing prespective I do.

Is there a way to market it towards webmasters in a way that they provide continous promotion? Maybe offer a branded version to webmasters and an interface that somehow let's them add and create quickie files, or whatever they are, that have url's and promotions.

I don't know. Let me go look at it and drink more coffee.

Dianna Vesta
11-09-2002, 06:43 AM
This is pretty cool and have many marketing advantages:


Dianna Vesta
11-09-2002, 06:50 AM
Hey Sneakie guy... are you still around to answer questions?

The publisher- explain this to me. If I create a bunch of files in a set is that considered one sneakie file? Is that what they download? Is that what I can co-brand? Can a banner rotation script be placed in that reader too?

How do I charge them for these files? Does it compress the files for easy download?

I can definately see perks with this. A site can offer samples and place their banners in the reader. I'm just wondering about the age thing and giving files away but if you sold it for a buck with lots of teaser files to bring them back it would work out nice.

I think he may have something here.

11-09-2002, 07:07 AM
Give me a while to think about the branding angle - and your other questions - however, we're pretty agile...

Need to go put up fence today (10 acres). Argh!

Back tonight...

Dianna Vesta
11-09-2002, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by Mutt@Nov 9 2002, 04:53 AM
i didn't look at it closely. but it sounds like a way to just save pics as you're looking at them and maybe categorize them.
many paysites actually do zip up their photosets for members to download them.

well it's not a tool that helps anybody make money but it's not half as bad as others i've seen.

i'll have to go look at it. i was just assuming that RawAlex thought it was one of those pieces of software like the one StiffyCash owns and promotes.

maybe it is, i'll have to check it out more closely.
I think that's all it is... a way to organize files you take anyhow. All surfers do it.

11-09-2002, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Dianna Vesta@Nov 9 2002, 07:32 AM
I think that's all it is... a way to organize files you take anyhow. All surfers do it.
no they don't!!!!
and what about the ones who don't?! why should we teach them to do this?!

1. CO creates a Sneakie file (say "hot blondes # 24, or Smoking Elderly Asian Amputees with a White Donkey")
2. CO buys a license pack from us (they come in 100-license increments).
3. CO expends 1 license for each picture in the Sneakie file when he/she finalizes it and converts it to a commercial file using Sneakie Publisher (a little utility). This one-time fee is how I make money.
4. CO sells the Sneakie file on their site, emails it on a regular basis to subscribers (subscription based), creates Sneakie specific libraries, or monetizes it in a multitude of other ways. They sell it a million times...

this sounds to me like you are charging money for content that's been stolen from sites?!

11-09-2002, 04:41 PM
CJ - You missed it...

Under this model, the content OWNER (CO) creates Sneakie files. Users cannot build them.

11-09-2002, 05:24 PM
Umm, how do you know if it's the content owner, and not just someone licensed for a website? How about people sufing the net and collecting pics, and claiming to be the owner. How will you handle that? If you are part of a process that distributes copyrighted works without the copyright holders permission, you are as guilty of a violation as the one that asked you to encode it.

How do you know your little encoding program won't be hacked in the first minute it is out, and this gets turned into another way to trade files? Someone will surely figure out how your files are encoded and make a nice little black box to create folders that can be traded around.

More importantly, WHERE IS THE MONEY? SHOW ME THE MONEY! Show me where I can make more making a few dollars selling software over selling memberships to paysites...


11-09-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Sneakie@Nov 9 2002, 04:49 PM
CJ - You missed it...

Under this model, the content OWNER (CO) creates Sneakie files. Users cannot build them.
so ONLY content and image providing companies can use this software then?

11-10-2002, 06:06 AM

Color me disappointed...

I had heard a lot of stuff about porn folks being "super entrepreneurs" and "playing outside the box". What a load of crap. Based on what I've seen here, you guys should work at a BANK - what a conservative bunch (with a few exceptions). Jeez....

I expected at LEAST A COUPLE of people to be able to connect the dots on this and figure out how they could make money with this without ME having spoon feed them to the conclusion. I'm just a software guy - but hell - even I can figure this out. Only really saw one of you who "got" this and seemed to know what to do with it - great questions regarding "branding", BTW. We'll talk.

Here's a free bit of advice - You guys have lost sight of THE CUSTOMER. You job is NOT to get people to surf your stupid site. Your job is to provide THE CUSTOMER content in new, more convenient, efficient, and innovative ways. When you do this THE CUSTOMER will pay you more than they do now. Legend has it that's how the porn business used to work, anyway. Correct me if this is wrong...

Looks like we're so wrapped-up in our current business model that no other can be valid. I bet if I kept posting, I would hear another ten thousand reasons this won't work. What about this and that, blah, blah, blah. Same shit I heard from stodgy-assed bank execs in the 90's.

This is sad. Not a single post exploring what this could mean to THE CUSTOMER and their personal porn experience. Not one exploring THE CUSTOMER being able to view porn at work, on the road, or on a laptop. No discussion about how it could make for a more satisfying or convenient experience for THE CUSTOMER. No discussion about the possibility of delivering porn to the inbox for THE CUSTOMER. Nothing about being able to enhance and group themed content for THE CUSTOMER.

Fuck it - A PORN DUDE IS BORN! Guess I'll partner with a content provider and and do it myself. I'll invite y'all to the site!

Anybody recommend a good content provider? Any advice other than to go fuck myself?

Sneakie (http://www.sneakie.com)

-= JR =-
11-10-2002, 10:25 AM
a newbie business plan.
:wnw: :wnw:

thank God someone is finally here to explain the porn business.
we have been getting nowhere with our "buy a free trial or we will kill your
dog" promotion and could use the advice.

11-10-2002, 12:02 PM
Gee, sneakie, not about "go fuck yourself", it's about "where's the money in teaching people to save things to disk?"

It's also not about spoon feeding, the question is simple: What part of your product makes money? The answer can't be the same Internet "give it away for free and make money in volume", that has already been proven to be a useless way to do business, see NASDAQ crash for more info.

If you cannot explain where the money is, well...


11-10-2002, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by -= JR =-@Nov 10 2002, 10:33 AM
a newbie business plan.
:wnw: :wnw:

thank God someone is finally here to explain the porn business.
we have been getting nowhere with our "buy a free trial or we will kill your
dog" promotion and could use the advice.
That marketing strategy would not be PETA approved. :(

11-10-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by PornoDoggy@Nov 10 2002, 07:27 PM
That marketing strategy would not be PETA approved. :(
PETA? .. whats that ... 'People for the Eating of Tasty Animals' ??


11-11-2002, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by MikeW+Nov 10 2002, 07:42 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (MikeW @ Nov 10 2002, 07:42 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--PornoDoggy@Nov 10 2002, 07:27 PM
That marketing strategy would not be PETA approved. :(
PETA? .. whats that ... 'People for the Eating of Tasty Animals' ??

Works for me ... I designate 0.5 minutes every 50 years to the feelings of guilt I have over slaughtering cattle, pigs, and whateverthehell they put in Taco Bell ... :D

11-11-2002, 02:10 AM
I advocate any group who argues that beer is better for you than milk!
