View Full Version : Adios Terry Mcauliffe!

11-06-2002, 04:44 PM
This is Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Terry McAuliffe:


Terry is going to lose his job as DNC Chairman, because he is incompetent. His party just made history by losing the Senate in a midterm election. His scare tactics, particularly the ones aimed at senior citizens, failed miserably. I guess even the senile seniors don't really believe Bush wants to shove them and their wheelchairs off a cliff (a cartoon series on the DNC website). Terry, here's a big FUCK YOU and good riddance, bitch!

This is Singer/Actress/National Jackass Barbra Streisand:


When Barbra's not misspelling her own name, she's calling Saddam Hussein an Iranian, mistakenly attributing quotes to Shakespeare, or composing spelling error-ridden memos and blaming the errors on someone else. The results of yesterday's elections will leave her fuming, and might drive her into depression. Whatever else happens, the Buffster would like to encourage Babs to stick to the original deal and get the fuck out of my country! Here's a big FUCK YOU to Streisand.

This is Senator Tom Daschle from South Dakota:


Tom is about to be replaced by a Republican as Senate Majority Leader, because his party is now in the minority. This means that he will no longer be in a position to bury Bush's judicial nominees. Sure, he can still be an obstructionist bitch, but he's out of power. Here's a big FUCK YOU to Daschle.

This is deceased Senator Paul Wellstone:


The act of our benevolent God Himself brought down Wellstone's plane on a cold Minnesota night, making it possible for the people of America to bust up the leftist control of the Senate. I've been told that it's not polite to speak ill of the dead, so I won't. Instead, I'm going to take this opportunity to speak favorably about God's good judgment. I always knew He was a Libertarian. Here's a big THANK YOU to God.

And now I'd like to wrap things up with a picture of James Carville from last night, when he finally faced up to the full weight of the election results (he's the one on the left with a trash can on his head):


Mike AI
11-06-2002, 04:50 PM

:wnw: :wnw: :wnw: :wnw:

11-06-2002, 05:05 PM

Terry McAuliffe gave a press conference this morning proclaiming this a great democratic victory proving denial is not just a river in Egypt.

11-06-2002, 05:12 PM
Awesome Jack Lambert icon!!!!!!