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View Full Version : We Got Beat, Time To Change Things Up

11-06-2002, 10:33 AM
Good Morning.

I watched cnn,msnbc,fox from yesterday morning till late last night, election night on tv is always so fun for me every 2 years.

Last night my party lost big! no tears and screaming will change that for at least another 2 years.

I have been saying for weeks us dems didn't have a loud voice, and a big theme for this election cycle, it sure showed last night.

It's probably time for a new house minority leader, and a new DNC chairperson.

As I see each right wing bill passed through the houses and signed into law, I will have to blame part of the passage on my party. what bugs me the most is how many new federal judges will get in.

I'm am sad and pissed right now like you couldn't imagine. us Dems better have a new voice and plan for 2 years from now.


-= JR =-
11-06-2002, 10:45 AM
Well Todd, you heard it from me first
the next Presidential Election is yours to lose.
stop sending Democratic Congressmen to Iraq to speak out against their own government... and it may work out the way you hope it will

http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?a...6e56d5e97c6aaaa (http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=225&s=95ec07238458d27b56e56d5e97c6aaaa)

11-06-2002, 10:52 AM

your thinking might be true, usually 1 party can't hold onto the white house and congress for too long.

of course last night the repubs. beat all historical thinking.

I had no problem at all with the congressman from washington state going to Iraq, he was a vietnam vet, and had the right to express his views.

I don't think we lost because of that anyways. most of the country is split 50/50, bush is considered a war time president, us dems didn't have much of any talking points, bush and the repubs got the win.

it's gonna be a long 2 yrs.

Mike AI
11-06-2002, 12:22 PM
JR you make a good point about Bush beingon hot seat and better perform if he wants a 2nd term. But I think he will contonue to surprise.

Todd - JR is right, keep your guys from pandering to terrorists and dictators, get rid of the Anti-America crowd, McCauliff is a Clinton hold over who is a major scu bag- he is more interested in insulting, slinging mud then coming up with real political stances.

11-06-2002, 12:22 PM
The Democrats need to recruit new blood badly. All the familiar faces of the Democratic party have 'loser' written over them. They are now seen by most Americans as 'whiney' and 'weak'. You can be a liberal and appear strong. Need some charismatic person who will move the party to the center...................sound like anybody ? Yeah another Clinton but this time he needs to keep to the center.

Jesse Jackson should be told by the Democrats to stay away, same for a bunch of other people who make the party look bad. The Republicans can get away with their idiots like Pats Buchanan and Robertson and Jesse Helms, the Democrats can't.

I gotta make a Nixon smilie :rokk:

11-06-2002, 12:34 PM
The "memory" of the American people about those the punidts label "loser" is not so very great, IMHO. The next (gawdamitey, this hurts) Senator from MO was finally successful in his third attempt in a statewide election. It is very hard to predict which S.O.B. can come up a winner when every expert in the country has decided we won't have them to kick around any more.

The first Democrat to walk across the stage at a debate an cold-cock the next asswipe who accuses him of being unpatriotic for disagreeing with the Bush administration will win in a landslide. The Republican talking asses, er, heads are already talking about their new "mandate." If they act the way they have the last two times they've controlled Congress, they will get a bitter lesson in the backlash caused by the politics of arrogance in 2004.