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11-04-2002, 08:10 PM
I thought they was supposed to have a new episode of 24
on tonight?
This is a damn re-run of last weeks.

11-04-2002, 08:51 PM
False alarm.
I thought it was Tue.

11-04-2002, 09:52 PM
Hahaha so excited for episode 2 you forgot this is Monday huh. One more day and it's here. 24 is about the best show on TV. Anyone not watching it should be put to death. :ph34r:

The reason 24 was on tonight at 9pm, was because the much hyped new Daved E Kelly series "Girls Club" lasted all of 2 episodes before getting the axe. The ratings were bad enough that they aren't going to even air the remaining episodes they have in the can. So 24 got an encore to fill the spot. I know all of this because my wife is livid about Girls Club being cancelled. It was her new favorite show... and made it 2 whole weeks! :yowsa: :rokk:

11-04-2002, 10:49 PM
I never watched 24 last season, but after watching the first episode
the other night, I was hooked.

11-05-2002, 08:49 PM
Wow, 24 tonight was off the hook. :)
On the edge of my seat for the whole hour.
Can't wait till next week.
:rokk: :rokk:

11-05-2002, 09:06 PM
that show kicks ass.... watched all of last season this past weekend on DVD.

I just wished I hadn't missed the first episode of this season :(

11-05-2002, 10:19 PM
I watched it last night ! Going to hit the new one in 30 minutes !

Has anyone watched USA's THE DEAD ZONE series. Hooked on that one..

11-05-2002, 11:02 PM
Never Seen The Dead Zone HS,
Dare I ask what its about?

11-05-2002, 11:46 PM
Dead Zone is a series based on Stephen Kings book and movie, The Dead Zone. Good stuff.

My Tivo grabbed tonights 24 for me, I don't get to watch it till tomorrow so no ruining it for me! But last season was edge of your seat the whole time. Almost every episode had a huge twist and it was all done really well. I'd say it's about as good as tv can get.

11-06-2002, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by voodooman@Nov 5 2002, 11:10 PM
Never Seen The Dead Zone HS,
Dare I ask what its about?
It's awesome. Every show has an unique story to tell.. Anyway, the first show was loosely based on the movie . :)

It was a summer pilot so they are showing re-runs on Sunday night till the show starts again in January .


11-06-2002, 12:55 AM
More than just the first episode is based on the movie/book. The whole series is. You know the senator Stillson character in the series. And how Johnny is seeing visions of the world ending when he touches him? That is the same Stillson from the movie, that he has to kill and also sacrifice his own life, to save the world. It'll be interesting to see how they handle it on TV. Will the star ultimately die in the show just like in the movie?

Man I sound like a TV geek. Time for bed. :D